Official ArcGIS Pro version of the Quality Assurance tools used to certify SSURGO data
- Bulk SSURGO Download by Areasymbol - Use Soil Data Access and Web Soil Survey download page to get SSURGO datasets. User can a wildcard to query the database by Areasymbol.
- Generate Local Transactional Geodatabase - Used to create the Local Transactional Spatial Database (LTSD) for to check out datasets to local MLRA offices to edit and udate.
- Generate Regional Transactional Geodatabase - Used to create the Regional Transactional Spatial Database (RTSD) for SSURGO.
- Generate SSO SSURGO Datasets - obsolete.
- Import SSURGO Datasets in FGDB - This tooll will import SSURGO spatial and tabular datasets within a given location into a File Geodatabase and establish the necessary table and feature class relationships to interact with the dataset.
- Insert NATSYM and MUNAME Value - This tool adds the National Mapunit Symbol (NATMUSYM) and the Mapunit Name (MUNAME) values to the corresponding MUKEY. An MUKEY field is required to execute. A network connection is required in order to submit a query to SDacess.
- RTSD - Check SDJR Project Out - Designed to work with the RTSD to manage SDJR projects and export data for those projects to be sent to the MLRA SSO.
- Check Attributes - Checks formatting of the selected soil attributes (normally AREASYMBOL and MUSYM). Also checks to make sure that the AREASYMBOL is present in Web Soil Survey.
- Compare Spatial-NASIS Mapunits - Check MUSYM values in the input layer using a NASIS online report. Internet connection required for this tool.
- Find Common Lines - Compares attributes between adjacent polygons and flags those that are the same.
- Find Common Points - Find points where polygon with the same attribute value intersect. These are usually soil polygons that get 'pinched off'. This will also flag self-intersecting polygons.
- Find Edge Match Errors - Looks for locations along survey boundaries where a node-to-node match does not exist. It does NOT look at soil attribute matches.
- Find Multipart Features - Simply reports the existence of multipart polygons. These must be exploded in an edit session if they are detected.
- Find Slivers - Looks for slivers or gaps in a polygon layer based upon a minimum-allowed internal polygon angle. Often smaller angles are the result of snapping vertices that create slivers, zig zags or bowties.
- Find Vertex Problems - Calculate area statistics by state or survey area from a GCS polygon featureclass and find problem vertices
- Report Vertex Count - Simply reports the number of vertices found in the input featureclass. This tool is useful when the user wants to find out how many vertices were present 'before-and-after'.
- Report Vertex Densisty - Calculate area statistics by state or survey area from a polygon featureclass. Can be used to determine what surveys are potential candidates for thinning or may have vertices that are liable to contribute to snapping or other geometry problems.
- Transfer RTSD - Makes copy of your RTSD with new XY Resolution standards (FY2025)
- Bulk MUSYM update tool - Update all soil polygon map unit symbols from cross walk table.
- Shoehorn - Import MUPOLYGON changes to the RTSD MUPOLYGON, reduces vertices, amends acute angles and ensures fit within SAPOLYGON.
- Check for updates along SSA boundaries - Identifies which SSA have changes along their boundaries.
- Export to SSURGO Shapefile - Export geodatabase featureclasses to SSURGO shapefile format. These shapefiles are suitable for posting to the Staging Server.
- Convert .txt to .met - Will convert a folder of updated text metadata files xml .met format and save them to respective SSURGO export folder.
- Carbon Copy Metadata - Copies original metadata file into SSURGO export folder.
- Generate Special Feature File - Creates the feature description text file-table for SSURGO.
- Zip SSURGO Export Folders - Zips all of the required SSURGO shapefiles and feature file for posting to the Staging Server.