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Fixes broken fetchSCAN(), converting to data.table RE: #161, #184
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brownag committed Oct 12, 2021
1 parent be59c65 commit 88b2353
Showing 1 changed file with 75 additions and 62 deletions.
137 changes: 75 additions & 62 deletions R/fetchSCAN.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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### TODO: there are rarely multiple below-ground sensors:
### station 2196
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## TODO: this crashes on 32bit R / libraries
# helper function for getting a single table of SCAN metadata
# site.code: a single SCAN site code
.get_single_SCAN_metadata <- function(site.code) {
# base URL to service
uri <- ''

# note: the SCAN form processor checks the refering page and user-agent
new.headers <- c(
"User-Agent" = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13"
new.headers <- c("Referer" = "")

# enable follow-location
# cf <- httr::config(followlocation = 1L, verbose=1L) # debugging
cf <- httr::config(followlocation = 1L)

req <- list(sitenum=site.code, report='ALL', interval='DAY', timeseries=" View Daily Sensor Descriptions ")
req <- list(
sitenum = site.code,
report = 'ALL',
interval = 'DAY',
timeseries = " View Daily Sensor Descriptions "

# submit request
r <- httr::POST(uri, body=req, encode='form', config = cf, httr::add_headers(new.headers))
r <- httr::POST(uri, body = req, encode = 'form', config = cf, httr::add_headers(new.headers))

# parsed XML
r.content <- httr::content(r, as='parsed')
r.content <- httr::content(r, as = 'parsed')

# get tables
n.tables <- rvest::html_nodes(r.content, "table")

## TODO: this line crashes on 32bit R / libraries
# the metadata table we want is 5th
m <- rvest::html_table(n.tables[[5]], header=FALSE)
# the metadata table we want is the last one
m <- rvest::html_table(n.tables[[length(n.tables)]], header=FALSE)

# clean-up table
# 1st row is header
Expand All @@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
m <- m[-c(1:2), ]
names(m) <- h

m$site.code <- site.code

Expand All @@ -86,9 +87,10 @@ SCAN_sensor_metadata <- function(site.code) {
stop('please install the `httr` and `rvest` packages', call.=FALSE)

# iterate over site codes, returning DF + site.code
res <- ddply(data.frame(site.code=site.code), 'site.code', .get_single_SCAN_metadata)

res <-'rbind', lapply(site.code, .get_single_SCAN_metadata))


Expand All @@ -112,7 +114,6 @@ SCAN_site_metadata <- function(site.code) {
# report: single report type
# req: for backwards compatibility

#' Get data from USDA-NRCS SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network) Stations
#' Query soil/climate data from USDA-NRCS SCAN Stations
Expand All @@ -125,7 +126,6 @@ SCAN_site_metadata <- function(site.code) {
#' @param report report name, single value only
#' @param req list of SCAN request parameters, for backwards-compatibility only
#' @return a \code{data.frame} object
#' @note \code{SCAN_sensor_metadata()} is known to crash on 32bit R / libraries (Windows).
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @references
#' @keywords manip
Expand All @@ -150,15 +150,18 @@ SCAN_site_metadata <- function(site.code) {
#' @export fetchSCAN
fetchSCAN <- function(site.code, year, report='SCAN', req=NULL) {

## backwards compatibility:
## backwards compatibility
if(!missing(req)) {
message('using old-style interface...')
.Deprecated(msg = "`req` argument is deprecated")

# check for required packages
if(!requireNamespace('httr', quietly = TRUE))
stop('please install the `httr` package', call.=FALSE)

if(!requireNamespace('data.table', quietly = TRUE))
stop('please install the `data.table` package', call.=FALSE)

# init list to store results
res <- list()
Expand All @@ -168,16 +171,15 @@ fetchSCAN <- function(site.code, year, report='SCAN', req=NULL) {
res[['metadata']] <- m

# all possible combinations of site codes and year | single report type
g <- expand.grid(s=site.code, y=year, r=report)
g <- expand.grid(s = site.code, y = year, r = report)

# get a list of request lists
req.list <- mapply(.make_SCAN_req, s=g$s, y=g$y, r=g$r, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
req.list <- mapply(.make_SCAN_req, s = g$s, y = g$y, r = g$r, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

# format raw data into a list of lists:
# sensor suite -> site number -> year
d.list <- list()
for(i in req.list) {
# raw data is messy, reformat
# when there are no data, result is NULL
d <- .get_SCAN_data(i)

Expand All @@ -187,16 +189,20 @@ fetchSCAN <- function(site.code, year, report='SCAN', req=NULL) {
# save: sensor suite -> site number -> year
sensors <- c('SMS', 'STO', 'SAL', 'TAVG', 'TMIN', 'TMAX', 'PRCP', 'PREC', 'SNWD', 'WTEQ', 'WDIRV', 'WSPDV', 'LRADT')
for(sensor.i in sensors) {
d.list[[sensor.i]][[as.character(i$sitenum)]][[as.character(i$year)]] <- .formatSCAN_soil_sensor_suites(d, code=sensor.i)
site.i <- as.character(i$sitenum)
year.i <- as.character(i$year)
d.list[[sensor.i]][[site.i]][[year.i]] <- .formatSCAN_soil_sensor_suites(d, code = sensor.i)


# iterate over sensors
for(sensor.i in sensors) {
# flatten individual sensors over years, by site number
r.i <- ldply(llply(d.list[[sensor.i]], ldply))
r.i$.id <- NULL
x <- d.list[[sensor.i]]

r.i <-'rbind', lapply(x, function(y)'rbind', y)))
rownames(r.i) <- NULL

res[[sensor.i]] <- r.i

Expand All @@ -208,64 +214,56 @@ fetchSCAN <- function(site.code, year, report='SCAN', req=NULL) {

# combine soil sensor suites into stackable format
.formatSCAN_soil_sensor_suites <- function(d, code) {

# hacks to make R CMD check --as-cran happy:
value <- NULL

# locate named columns
d.cols <- grep(code, names(d))

# return NULL if no data
if(length(d.cols) == 0)

## temporary hack to inform users that there are multiple sensors / label
## this is (usually) only a problem for above-ground sensors
## there may be multiple above-ground sensors (takes the first)
if(length(d.cols) > 1 & code %in% c('TAVG', 'TMIN', 'TMAX', 'PRCP', 'PREC', 'SNWD', 'WTEQ', 'WDIRV', 'WSPDV', 'LRADT')) {
message(paste0('multiple above-ground sensors per site: ', d$Site[1], ' [', paste0(names(d)[d.cols], collapse = ','), '], using first sensor'))
# use only the first sensor
d.cols <- d.cols[1]

# convert to long format
d.long <- melt(d, id.vars = c('Site', 'Date'), measure.vars = names(d)[d.cols])
d.long <- data.table::melt(, id.vars = c('Site', 'Date'), measure.vars = names(d)[d.cols])

# extract depths
d.depths <- base::strsplit(as.character(d.long$variable), split = '_', fixed = TRUE)
d.long$depth <- sapply(d.depths, function(i) as.numeric(i[2]))

# convert depths (in) to cm
d.long$depth <- round(d.long$depth * 2.54)

# change 'variable' to ''
names(d.long)[which(names(d.long) == 'variable')] <- ''

## there can be multiple sensors at below-ground label
sensors.per.depth <- d.long[, list( = sum(complete.cases(.SD))),
by = c('', 'depth'),
.SDcols = c('', 'depth', 'value')]

## NOTE: this doesn't work when applied to above-ground sensors
## there can also be multiple sensors per below-ground label
sensors.per.depth <- ddply(d.long, c('', 'depth'), plyr::summarize, <- ddply(sensors.per.depth, 'depth', .fun=function(i) {
}) <- sensors.per.depth[, .SD[which.max(], by = 'depth']

# check for multiple sensors per depth
tab <- table(sensors.per.depth$depth) > 1
if(any(tab)) {
if (any(tab)) {
multiple.sensor.ids <- as.character(sensors.per.depth$[which(sensors.per.depth$depth %in% names(tab))])
message(paste0('multiple below-ground sensors per depth: ', paste(multiple.sensor.ids, collapse = ', ')))

## BUG in the data output from SCAN!
# mulitple rows / day, second row in set has NA in sensor values
# this is related to site visits
# solution is simple remove NAs
# multiple rows / day, remove NA in sensor values
idx <- which(!$value))
d.long <- d.long[idx, ]

Expand All @@ -277,35 +275,39 @@ fetchSCAN <- function(site.code, year, report='SCAN', req=NULL) {
d.long$water_day <- w$wd

# format and return
return(d.long[, c('Site', 'Date', 'water_year', 'water_day', 'value', 'depth', '')])
return([, c('Site', 'Date', 'water_year', 'water_day', 'value', 'depth', '')]))

# format a list request for SCAN data
# s: single site code
# y: single year
# r: single report type
.make_SCAN_req <- function(s, y, r) {
req <- list(intervalType=' View Historic ', report=r, timeseries='Daily', format='copy', sitenum=s, interval='YEAR', year=y, month='CY')
req <- list(
intervalType = ' View Historic ',
report = r,
timeseries = 'Daily',
format = 'copy',
sitenum = s,
interval = 'YEAR',
year = y,
month = 'CY'

## this is an internally used function
# req is a named vector or list
.get_SCAN_data <- function(req) {

# convert to list as needed
if( ! inherits(req, 'list'))
if(!inherits(req, 'list'))
req <- as.list(req)

# base URL to service
uri <- ''

# note: the SCAN form processor checks the refering page and user-agent
new.headers <- c(
"User-Agent" = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13"
# note: the SCAN form processor checks the referring page and user-agent
new.headers <- c("Referer" = "")

# enable follow-location
Expand All @@ -325,20 +327,31 @@ fetchSCAN <- function(site.code, year, report='SCAN', req=NULL) {
# attempt to read column headers, after skipping the first two lines of data
# note: this moves the text connection cursor forward 3 lines
# 2018-03-06 DEB: results have an extra line up top, now need to skip 3 lines
h <- unlist(read.table(tc, nrows=1, skip=3, header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, sep=',', quote='', strip.white=TRUE, na.strings='-99.9', comment.char=''))
h <- unlist(read.table(
nrows = 1,
skip = 3,
header = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
sep = ',',
quote = '',
strip.white = TRUE,
na.strings = '-99.9',
comment.char = ''

# the last header is junk (NA)
h <- as.vector(na.omit(h))

# split colunmn names on white space and keep the first element
# split column names on white space and keep the first element
h <- sapply(strsplit(h, split=' '), function(i) i[[1]])

# clean some more junk
h <- gsub('-1', '', fixed=TRUE, h)
h <- gsub(':-', '_', h)

# NOTE: we have already read-in the first 3 lines above, therefore we don't need to skip lines here
# read as CSV, skipping junk + headers, accomodating white-space and NA values encoded as -99.9
# read as CSV, skipping junk + headers, accommodating white-space and NA values encoded as -99.9
x <- try(read.table(tc, header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, sep=',', quote='', strip.white=TRUE, na.strings='-99.9', comment.char=''), silent = TRUE)

# catch errors
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