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Overview: Running ElasticSearch with RethinkDB on Docker

It is a fork from initially started as to make it work with RethinkDB; but now also contains some improvements:

  • updated version of java and ES (some of which is required by RethinkDB's river plugin)
  • removed \data volume since will be fed from db
  • removed configuration files; since everything will be within container
  • installed plugins


git clone

sudo docker build --tag="activeintel/elasticsearch" .

run for the first time as:

sudo docker run -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 --name elasticsearch activeintel/elasticsearch

container is --named elasticsearch for convenience and linking (described later)

for running container again later on make sure to use the start command:

docker start elasticsearch

to make sure that it is running goto http://localhost:9200/

Inegrating RethinkDB with ElasticSearch

Linking Containers

You need to link elasticsearch and rethinkdb docker containers so that they can exchange data.

this assumes that you already have a rethinkdb docker container; if not here are the instructions here it is also assumed that your rethinkdb container is --named rethinkdb; if it is not use container id instead

To link, rethinkdb container should already be running; and the you run the elasticsearch image as:

docker run -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 --name elasticsearch --link rethinkdb:elasticsearch-rethinkdb-link activeintel/elasticsearch

linking actually happens in this part --link rethinkdb:elasticsearch-rethinkdb-link

if your rethikdb container is not named you will need to specify its container id: --link <CID>:elasticsearch-rethinkdb-link

For more information on linking see:

need to link containers; and use their assigned ip (provided as environmnet variables); described here

Setting up feeding the data from RethinkDB to ElasticSearch

Now that your container are linked you can set up feeding the data from RethinkDB to ElasticSearch.

The needed plugin elasticsearch-river-rethinkdb has already been installed through dockerfile.

All you need to do is to point ES to the location of your db; which you can do by:

curl -XPUT <IP-ElasticSearch>:9200/_river/rethinkdb/_meta -d '{
   "rethinkdb": {
     "databases": {"<DB>": {"<TABLE>": {"backfill": true}}},
     "host": "<IP-RethinkDB>",
     "port": 28015

replace <DB> and <TABLE> with appropriate values replace ips <IP-ElasticSearch>, <IP-RethinkDB> with ip issued by docker -- note it is different from localhost or or (since now you have several containers running on the same machine)

you can look up ids by docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' <CID>

you should see: {"_index":"_river","_type":"rethinkdb","_id":"_meta","_version":1,"created":true}

if "created":false: means that something is wrong

you might want to look at elasticsearch logs log/elasticsearch.log to get more details wrong ip's are common

To test it:

curl localhost:9200/<DB>/<TABLE>/_search?q=*:*

replace <DB> and <TABLE> with appropriate values

optionally: you may want to save your container state commiting it to an image: docker commit <CID> elasticsearch2 or you can continue running it by docker start elasticsearch

not for large index files it take a little bit of time to initialize

For more information see:

Additional differences from dockerfile/elasticsearch

data volumes

Decided not to use data volume since data will be fed from rethinkdb anyways; so it doesn't appear to be necessary.

I've found these articles quite useful for making the decision:

minor tips

for trouble shooting your image you might consider connecting to it as:

sudo docker start -d -i -t elasticsearch --entrypoint /bin/bash

Various notes: mostly for keywords and search egnines

make sure to run build from within the downloaded directory otherwise you will see the following error:

ADD config/elasticsearch.yml /elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml
config/elasticsearch.yml: no such file or directory

!!! Problem For some reason when installing plugins with Dockerfile they do appear in the file system but are not loaded by ES at startup.

!!! Solution

ES [[config|]] specifies plugins to be located at the mounted \data volume; so need to remove it and point it locally.

! Troubleshooting

!! index is not created

see data/log/elasticsearch.log for the error message; in my case it was:

[2015-01-13 03:38:25,674][WARN ][river                    ] [Wildpride] failed to create river [rethinkdb][rethinkdb]
org.elasticsearch.common.settings.NoClassSettingsException: Failed to load class with value [rethinkdb]
        at org.elasticsearch.river.RiverModule.loadTypeModule(
        at org.elasticsearch.river.RiverModule.spawnModules(
        at org.elasticsearch.common.inject.ModulesBuilder.add(
        at org.elasticsearch.river.RiversService.createRiver(
        at org.elasticsearch.river.RiversService$ApplyRivers$2.onResponse(
        at org.elasticsearch.river.RiversService$ApplyRivers$2.onResponse(
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: rethinkdb
        at Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        at org.elasticsearch.river.RiverModule.loadTypeModule(
        ... 9 more

[2015-01-13 07:08:11,667][INFO ][cluster.metadata         ] [Punchout] [_river] update_mapping [rethinkdb] (dynamic)
[2015-01-13 07:08:11,716][ERROR][river.rethinkdb.feedworker] [] failed due to exception
com.rethinkdb.RethinkDBException: Connection refused
	at com.rethinkdb.SocketChannelFacade.connect(
	at com.rethinkdb.RethinkDBConnection.reconnect(
	at com.rethinkdb.RethinkDBConnection.<init>(
	at com.rethinkdb.RethinkDBConnection.<init>(
	at com.rethinkdb.RethinkDB.connect(
	at org.elasticsearch.river.rethinkdb.FeedWorker.connect(
Caused by: Connection refused
	at Method)
	at com.rethinkdb.SocketChannelFacade.connect(
	... 7 more
[2015-01-13 07:08:11,719][INFO ][river.rethinkdb.feedworker] [] thread shutting down


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