Swago is a helper for the go-chi router to automatically generate swagger files.
Comment | Description |
// swago.response: StructName |
Defines the response type. Only use the types that you have declared with swago.RegisterType(...) (see below) |
// swago.request: StructName*,Description |
Defines the request type (swago.RegisterType(...) ). Star is for required. After comma you can add a description. |
// swago.tag: TagName |
Defines the swagger tag (section) to use. Needs to be defined by swago.RegisterTag(...) . |
// swago.query: type{left;right}*,id+* |
Defines query parameters. Star is for required, plus is for numerical. Curly brackets define an enum (in this case, query parameter with name "type" can have values "left" and "right"). |
// swago.header: header-name+* |
Defines a header parameter. Star is for required, plus is for numerical. |
Example | Description |
`swago:"Description of a struct field,required,readOnly"` |
Defines the description,"required" specifies required fields, "readOnly" defines readOnly-fields. |
`swago:"Description2,writeOnly"` |
"writeOnly" defines "writeOnly"-fields of the type |
Function | Description |
swago.RegisterType("cat", 200, reflect.ValueOf(Cat{})) |
Registers the type of struct "Cat" as name "cat" for the swagger-file and associates it with the http-code 200. This functions reads the 'swago' struct-tags. |
swago.RegisterDefaultResponse("err1", reflect.ValueOf(HttpError{})) |
With this function you can register a default response, that is assigned to every endpoint. |
swago.RegisterTag("TagName", "Tag-Description") |
Here you can register a swagger-tag with a description. Used in combination with // swago.tag: ... |
swago.RegisterServer("http://localhost:8081", "Server-Description") |
Specifies the server to use for the documentation file |
swago.ActivateJWTAuth() |
Adds the JWT-Bearer Authentication to the swagger-file |
swago.RegisterHelper(passedFunction) |
If you have a helper function for the handler functions (like a middleware, f.e. router.Get("/endpoint", helperFunction(actualHandler)) you have to paste this code into the helper function to correctly identify all endpoints and handlers. |
swago.SwaggerRoutesDoc(chiRouter, "Title", "Description") |
This returns the final swagger.yaml documentation as a string that you can print to a file |