Version 0.1 (beta)
License MIT
Copyright © 20120626 Yury Boykov (aka Neiro) , Russia, Moscow
DEPENDS: Apache or other web-server, PHP
- For Development use browser in private mode, without saving cache.
- If you didn't see graphics from Zabbix with error somthing that "..corrupted image.." do login to the zabbix as corrected user.
Copy all content to DOCUMENT_ROOT directory. You can configure alias or make a virtual host for screenX.
Add user to zabbix:
Username: ScreenX
Password: your_password_here -
Go to screenX/html/includes/ and change:
//---------------- AUTH CONFIGURATION ---------------- BEGIN
_zurl = ""; <--- PATH to Zabbix server, IP address or hostname. Don't use http or other symbols before
_zusername = "ScreenX"; <--- Username in zabbix for ScreenX
_zpasswd= "ScreenX"; <--- Password for ScreenX
//---------------- AUTH CONFIGURATION ---------------- ENDOF -
Save, and navigate in browser to http://hostname_or_ipaddress/screenx/html
Make a custom screens and Enjoy!
index.php <--- It's rotater, looper or somthing that :) in this file You can change parameters for rotater. See section "MAIN CONFIGURATION"
screens/ <--- Subfolder for screens.
You can navigate in you browser for static screen if you wan't use rotater.
Go to http://hostname_or_ipaddress/screenx/html/screens/1.php
and you'll see all time only this screen
You can change style in screenX/css