To build these docs locally you will need Node & NPM installed. Antora requires Node version 10 or higher.
To install the dependencies run:
npm install
To make changes to this repository, please create a new branch to stage your changes.
Your branch should be prefixed with the type of change, for example content/new-cypher-guide
or fix/broken-links
When you are finished with your changes push the branch to the remote repository and create a Pull Request. Please add at least one approver.
The changes will be merged into the publish
branch, which will in turn trigger a rebuild of the content in the docs-refresh repository.
# Clone the repository
git clone
# check out a new branch
git checkout -b content/my-fix
# Make some changes to the repo
touch modules/ROOT/pages/new-guide.adoc
# State the changes
git add modules/ROOT/pages/new-guide.adoc
# Commit the changes
git commit -m "Added a new guide"
# Push to the remote repository
git push -u origin content/my-fix
At the end of the build process, the files are uploaded to the
S3 Bucket. From there, they are synced up to the server once an hour, on the hour by a cronjob.
To preview the docs run:
npm start
This will build a set of HTML files in build/site
and then serve them through an express server at http://localhost:8000.
The dev script will also listen for changes and automatically rebuild the files automatically.
You’ll still need to refresh the page to view the changes.
Merging changes into the publish
branch of this repo will trigger a rebuild of the HTML and CSS files in the Docs Refresh repo using a Github Action.