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Non-atomic integration tests #252

roschaefer opened this issue May 22, 2019 · 4 comments

Non-atomic integration tests #252

roschaefer opened this issue May 22, 2019 · 4 comments


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roschaefer commented May 22, 2019


@johnymontana explained to me in this comment that all the tests are expected to pass. What I have to do is to trash the database and re-import the data for each test run.

And indeed: When I run the the integration tests twice, I see all tests pass and next time some of them failing.

See how this looks like
robert@e480 ~/D/neo4j-graphql-js> npm run test-all

npm WARN lifecycle The node binary used for scripts is /home/robert/.asdf/shims/node but npm is using /home/robert/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/bin/node itself. Use the `--scripts-prepend-node-path` option to include the path for the node binary npm was executed with.

> neo4j-graphql-js@2.6.1 test-all /home/robert/Development/neo4j-graphql-js
> nyc ava test/*.js test/neo4j-schema/*Test.js --verbose

  ✔ configTest › Config - makeAugmentedSchema - no queries, no mutations
  ✔ configTest › Config - augmentSchema - no queries, no mutations
  ✔ configTest › Config - makeAugmentedSchema - enable queries, no mutations
  ✔ filterTest › ID field equal to given value (164ms)
  ✔ configTest › Config - augmentSchema - enable queries, no mutations
  ✔ configTest › Config - makeAugmentedSchema - enable queries, enable mutations
  ✔ filterTest › ID field that starts with given substring
  ✔ configTest › Config - augmentSchema - enable queries, enable mutations
  ✔ filterTest › ID field that does NOT start with given substring
  ✔ configTest › Config - makeAugmentedSchema - specify types to exclude for mutation
  ✔ filterTest › ID field that ends with given substring
  ✔ configTest › Config - augmentSchema - specify types to exclude for mutation
  ✔ configTest › Config - makeAugmentedSchema - specify types to exclude for query
  ✔ filterTest › ID field that does NOT end with given substring
  ✔ filterTest › ID field that contains given substring
  ✔ configTest › Config - augmentSchema - specify types to exclude for query
  ✔ configTest › Config - temporal - disable temporal schema augmentation
  ✔ filterTest › ID field that does NOT contain given substring
  ✔ filterTest › ID field in given list
  ✔ filterTest › ID field NOT in given list
  ✔ filterTest › ID field different from given value
  ✔ augmentSchemaTest › Test augmented schema (198ms)
  ✔ filterTest › String field does NOT exist
  ✔ filterTest › String field exists
  ✔ filterTest › String field equal to given value (parameterized filter)
  ✔ filterTest › String field equal to given value (parameterized)
  ✔ filterTest › String field equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › String field that starts with given substring
  ✔ filterTest › String field that does NOT start with given substring
  ✔ filterTest › String field that ends with given substring
  ✔ filterTest › String field that does NOT end with given substring
  ✔ filterTest › String field that contains given substring
  ✔ filterTest › String field that does NOT contain given substring
  ✔ filterTest › String field in given list
  ✔ filterTest › String field NOT in given list
  ✔ filterTest › String field different from given value
  ✔ filterTest › Boolean field equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Boolean field different from given value
  ✔ filterTest › Enum field equal to given value (parameterized)
  ✔ filterTest › Enum field different from given value (parameterized)
  ✔ filterTest › Enum field NOT in given list (parameterized)
  ✔ filterTest › Enum field in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Int field equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Int field in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Int field NOT in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Int field less than or equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Int field less than given value
  ✔ filterTest › Int field greater than given value
  ✔ filterTest › Int field greater than or equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Float field equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Float field different from given value
  ✔ filterTest › Float field in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Float field NOT in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Float field less than or equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Float field less than to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Float field greater than or equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Float field greater than given value
  ✔ filterTest › Boolean AND Float field OR String field equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Boolean AND String field equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Boolean AND String field equal to value given in separate filters
  ✔ filterTest › Boolean field equal to OR String field NOT equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Boolean field equal to given value OR String value in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Related node does NOT exist
  ✔ filterTest › Related node exists
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes matching filter
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes NOT matching filter
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes matching filter in given list
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes NOT matching filter in given list
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes matching filter nested in given logical OR filters
  ✔ filterTest › String field equal to given value AND String field on ALL related nodes ends with given substring (parameterized filter)
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes matching String field equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes matching filter given in separate OR filters
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes matching String field in given list
  ✔ filterTest › SOME related nodes matching given filter
  ✔ filterTest › EVERY related node matching given filter
  ✔ filterTest › NONE of any related nodes match given filter
  ✔ filterTest › SINGLE related node matching given filter
  ✔ filterTest › Nested relationship filter
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field different from given value
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field before or equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field before given value
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field after or equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field after given value
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field in given list
  ✔ neo4j-schema › typesTest › label2GraphQLType
  ✔ neo4j-schema › typesTest › chooseGraphQLType
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field NOT in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field does NOT exist
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field exists
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field does NOT exist on related node
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field on related node equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field on related node equal to given year OR formatted value OR does NOT exist
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal and scalar field on relationship match given logical AND filters
  ✔ filterTest › Related node does NOT exist (relationship type)
  ✔ filterTest › Related node exists (relationship type)
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal fields on relationship do NOT exist
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal fields on relationship exist
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal fields on relationship equal to given values
  ✔ filterTest › ALL relationships matching filter
  ✔ filterTest › ALL relationships NOT matching filter
  ✔ filterTest › SOME relationships matching given filter
  ✔ filterTest › EVERY relationship matching given filter
  ✔ filterTest › NONE of any relationships match given filter
  ✔ filterTest › SINGLE relationship matching given filter
  ✔ neo4j-schema › Neo4jSchemaTreeTest › Driver ownership
Initializing your Neo4j Schema
This may take a few moments depending on the size of your DB
  ✔ filterTest › Scalar fields on relationship AND related node equal to given values
Initializing your Neo4j Schema
This may take a few moments depending on the size of your DB
Initializing your Neo4j Schema
This may take a few moments depending on the size of your DB
  ✔ filterTest › ALL relationships matching filter in given list
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher directive on Mutation type
  ✔ filterTest › ALL relationships NOT matching filter in given list
  ✔ filterTest › ALL outgoing reflexive type relationships matching filter
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher directive on Mutation type with nested @cypher directive on field
  ✔ filterTest › ALL incoming reflexive type relationships NOT matching filter
  ✔ neo4j-schema › Neo4jSchemaTreeTest › Initialize
  ✔ neo4j-schema › Neo4jSchemaTreeTest › Link Establishment
  ✔ neo4j-schema › Neo4jSchemaTreeTest › toJSON
  ✔ filterTest › ALL outgoing reflexive type relationships matching given filter
  ✔ cypherTest › Create node mutation
  ✔ filterTest › SOME incoming reflexive type relationships matching given filter
  ✔ cypherTest › Update node mutation
  ✔ cypherTest › Delete node mutation
  ✔ filterTest › EVERY incoming and outgoing reflexive type relationship matching given filters
  ✔ filterTest › NONE of any incoming and outgoing reflexive type relationships match given filters
  ✔ filterTest › SINGLE incoming reflexive type relationships matching given filter
  ✔ filterTest › ALL outgoing reflexive relationships matching filter in given list
  ✔ filterTest › ALL incoming reflexive relationships NOT matching filter in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Incoming and outgoing reflexive relationships do NOT exist
  ✔ filterTest › Deeply nested list filters containing differences
  ✔ filterTest › Nested filter on relationship field
  ✔ filterTest › Nested filter on relationship type field
  ✔ filterTest › Nested filters on reflexive relationship type field
Relationship :BUYS has no properties and does not need to be generated
Relationship :LIVES_IN has no properties and does not need to be generated
  ✔ neo4j-schema › graphQLMapperTest › Basic Mapping Result Structure
  ✔ neo4j-schema › graphQLMapperTest › Defines a GraphQL type per node
  ✔ neo4j-schema › graphQLMapperTest › All nodes get an _id property to permit propertyless-node labels to work
type Customer {
   _id: Long!
   age: Integer
   name: String!
   buys: [Product] @relation(name: "BUYS", direction: "OUT")
   reviewed: [Product] @relation(name: "REVIEWED", direction: "OUT")
   lives_in: [State] @relation(name: "LIVES_IN", direction: "OUT")

type Product {
   _id: Long!
   sku: String!
   customers_buys: [Customer] @relation(name: "BUYS", direction: "IN")
   customers_reviewed: [Customer] @relation(name: "REVIEWED", direction: "IN")

type State {
   _id: Long!
   name: String!
   customers: [Customer] @relation(name: "LIVES_IN", direction: "IN")

type REVIEWED @relation(name: "REVIEWED") {
  from: Customer!
  to: Product!
  stars: Integer

  ✔ neo4j-schema › graphQLMapperTest › Defines properties with correct types
  ✔ neo4j-schema › graphQLMapperTest › Defines relationships BOTH WAYS with right order and @relation directive
  ✔ neo4j-schema › graphQLMapperTest › Deconflicts names for multi-targeted relationships by using relationship label
type Customer {
   _id: Long!
   age: Integer
   name: String!
   buys: [Product] @relation(name: "BUYS", direction: "OUT")
   reviewed: [Product] @relation(name: "REVIEWED", direction: "OUT")
   lives_in: [State] @relation(name: "LIVES_IN", direction: "OUT")

type Product {
   _id: Long!
   sku: String!
   customers_buys: [Customer] @relation(name: "BUYS", direction: "IN")
   customers_reviewed: [Customer] @relation(name: "REVIEWED", direction: "IN")

type State {
   _id: Long!
   name: String!
   customers: [Customer] @relation(name: "LIVES_IN", direction: "IN")

type REVIEWED @relation(name: "REVIEWED") {
  from: Customer!
  to: Product!
  stars: Integer

  ✔ neo4j-schema › graphQLMapperTest › Defines relationship types with properties
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4jNode basics
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › SchemaEntity properties
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4jNode labels
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4jNode graphQLType
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4jRelationship basics
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4jRelationship type
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4jRelationship graphQLTypeName
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4j Relationship Links
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4j Univalent/Multivalent Relationships
  ✔ middleware › Middleware fail on req.error (107ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add relationship mutation (2.9s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add relationship mutation with GraphQL variables (2.9s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add relationship mutation with relationship property (2.8s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add reflexive relationship mutation with relationship property (2.7s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Remove relationship mutation (2.6s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Remove reflexive relationship mutation (2.6s)
  ✔ cypherTest › orderBy test - descending, top level - augmented schema (1.9s)
  ✔ cypherTest › query for relationship properties (1.8s)
  ✔ cypherTest › query reflexive relation nested in non-reflexive relation (1.8s)
  ✔ cypherTest › query non-reflexive relation nested in reflexive relation (1.8s)
  ✔ cypherTest › query relation type with argument (1.7s)
  ✔ cypherTest › query reflexive relation type with arguments (1.7s)
  ✔ cypherTest › query using inline fragment (1.6s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Create node with temporal properties (1.6s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query node with temporal properties using temporal arguments (1.5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Nested Query with temporal property arguments (1.5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Update temporal and non-temporal properties on node using temporal property node selection (1.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Update temporal list property on node using temporal property node selection (1.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Delete node using temporal property node selection (1.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add relationship mutation using temporal property node selection (1.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Remove relationship mutation using temporal property node selection (1.3s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query relationship with temporal properties (1.3s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add relationship mutation with temporal properties (1.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add relationship mutation with list properties (1.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add reflexive relationship mutation with temporal properties (1.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Remove relationship mutation for relation type field (1.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query nested temporal properties on reflexive relationship using temporal arguments (1.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query nested temporal properties on relationships using temporal arguments (1.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query nested list properties on relationship (1.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › UUID value generated if no id value provided (1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Create node with list arguments (971ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › simple Cypher query (5.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Simple skip limit (5.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Cypher projection skip limit (5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle Query with name not aligning to type (4.8s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query without arguments, non-null type (4.7s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query single object (4.6s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query single object relation (4.5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query single object and array of objects relations (4.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Deeply nested object query (4.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle meta field at beginning of selection set (4.3s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle meta field at end of selection set (4.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle meta field in middle of selection set (4.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher directive without any params for sub-query (4.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Pass @cypher directive default params to sub-query (4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Pass @cypher directive params to sub-query (3.9s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query for Neo4js internal _id (3.8s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query for Neo4js internal _id and another param before _id (3.8s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query for Neo4js internal _id and another param after _id (3.7s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query for Neo4js internal _id by dedicated Query MovieBy_Id(_id: String!) (3.6s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query for null value translates to 'IS NULL' WHERE clause (3.6s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query for null value combined with internal ID and another param (3.5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Cypher subquery filters (3.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Cypher subquery filters with paging (3.3s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher directive on Query Type (3.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle GraphQL variables in nested selection - first/offset (2.5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle GraphQL variables in nest selection - @cypher param (not first/offset) (2.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Return internal node id for _id field (2.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Treat enum as a scalar (2.3s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle query fragment (2.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle multiple query fragments (2.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › nested fragments (2.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › fragments on relations (2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › nested fragments on relations (2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Cypher array queries (935ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Cypher array sub queries (910ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Create node with non-null field (875ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query node with ignored field (851ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Deeply nested orderBy (820ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query using enum orderBy (800ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query using temporal orderBy (770ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Deeply nested query using temporal orderBy (738ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher field with String payload using cypherParams (717ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle nested @cypher fields that use cypherParams (679ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query using cypherParams with String payload (658ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query using cypherParams with Object payload (614ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query with Boolean payload (587ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query with Int payload (555ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query with Float payload (501ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query with String list payload (475ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query with Int list payload (428ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query with Temporal payload (382ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher mutation using cypherParams with String payload (335ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher mutation using cypherParams with Object payload (292ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher mutation with String list payload (256ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher mutation with Temporal payload (219ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle nested @cypher fields using parameterized arguments and cypherParams (170ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher mutation with input type argument (147ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query with parameterized input type argument (103ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher field on root query type with scalar payload, no args
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher field with parameterized value for field of input type argument
  ✔ integration › Add relationship mutation (722ms)
  ✔ integration › Remove relationship mutation (197ms)
  ✔ integration › Temporal - Create node with temporal property (289ms)
  ✔ integration › Temporal - Create node with multiple temporal fields and input formats (132ms)
  ✔ integration › Temporal - Create node with multiple temporal fields and input formats - with GraphQL variables
  ✔ integration › Temporal - Query node with temporal field (218ms)
  ✔ integration › Temporal - create node with only a temporal property
  ✔ integration › Temporal - temporal query argument, components
  ✔ integration › Temporal - temporal query argument, formatted
  ✔ integration › Add relationship with temporal property
  ✔ integration › Query for temporal property on relationship
  ✔ integration › hello world
  ✔ integration › basic GraphQL query (410ms)
  ✔ integration › Create node mutation (508ms)
  ✔ integration › Mutation with @cypher directive (560ms)
  ✔ integration › Update node mutation (847ms)
  ✔ integration › query relationship property data (879ms)
  ✔ integration › Delete node mutation (962ms)
  ✔ integration › Basic filter (1.1s)
  ✔ integration › Handle @cypher directive on QueryType (1.2s)
  ✔ integration › Top level orderBy (1.3s)
  ✔ integration › Filter with AND (1.4s)
  ✔ integration › GraphQL query with @cypher directive (1.4s)
  ✔ integration › query using inine fragment (1.5s)
  ✔ integration › Filter with OR (1.5s)
  ✔ integration › Filter in selection (1.6s)
  ✔ integration › Filter with nested AND and OR (1.6s)
  ✔ integration › Nested filter (2.1s)
  ✔ integration › Filter with GraphQL variable (2.1s)

  268 tests passed

File                 |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
All files            |    94.87 |    83.12 |    94.99 |    95.05 |                   |
 dist                |    94.91 |    83.31 |    94.37 |    95.12 |                   |
  augment.js         |    95.58 |    84.78 |    95.92 |    95.94 |... 1008,1012,1242 |
  auth.js            |    82.76 |    64.15 |    85.71 |    81.82 |... 56,59,60,63,71 |
  index.js           |    65.65 |    39.34 |    53.85 |    66.15 |... 29,261,263,265 |
  selections.js      |     91.2 |    76.32 |    71.43 |     91.2 |... 40,141,143,144 |
  translate.js       |    99.19 |    92.15 |      100 |    99.18 |... 2002,2003,2004 |
  utils.js           |     93.4 |    82.18 |    95.04 |    93.96 |... 1039,1044,1045 |
 dist/neo4j-schema   |    94.48 |    80.37 |    97.12 |    94.48 |                   |
  Neo4jSchemaTree.js |    98.11 |    81.25 |    97.73 |    98.11 |           155,224 |
  entities.js        |     96.1 |       80 |     93.1 |     96.1 |          61,70,91 |
  graphQLMapper.js   |    89.81 |    72.97 |      100 |    89.81 |... 81,183,207,208 |
  types.js           |    94.29 |    88.24 |      100 |    94.29 |           101,107 |
robert@e480 ~/D/neo4j-graphql-js> npm run test-all
npm WARN lifecycle The node binary used for scripts is /home/robert/.asdf/shims/node but npm is using /home/robert/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/bin/node itself. Use the `--scripts-prepend-node-path` option to include the path for the node binary npm was executed with.

> neo4j-graphql-js@2.6.1 test-all /home/robert/Development/neo4j-graphql-js
> nyc ava test/*.js test/neo4j-schema/*Test.js --verbose

  ✔ configTest › Config - makeAugmentedSchema - no queries, no mutations (105ms)
  ✔ configTest › Config - augmentSchema - no queries, no mutations
  ✔ configTest › Config - makeAugmentedSchema - enable queries, no mutations
  ✔ filterTest › ID field equal to given value (210ms)
  ✔ configTest › Config - augmentSchema - enable queries, no mutations
  ✔ configTest › Config - makeAugmentedSchema - enable queries, enable mutations
  ✔ filterTest › ID field that starts with given substring
  ✔ filterTest › ID field that does NOT start with given substring
  ✔ configTest › Config - augmentSchema - enable queries, enable mutations
  ✔ augmentSchemaTest › Test augmented schema (247ms)
  ✔ filterTest › ID field that ends with given substring
  ✔ configTest › Config - makeAugmentedSchema - specify types to exclude for mutation
  ✔ filterTest › ID field that does NOT end with given substring
  ✔ filterTest › ID field that contains given substring
  ✔ configTest › Config - augmentSchema - specify types to exclude for mutation
  ✔ filterTest › ID field that does NOT contain given substring
  ✔ configTest › Config - makeAugmentedSchema - specify types to exclude for query
  ✔ filterTest › ID field in given list
  ✔ configTest › Config - augmentSchema - specify types to exclude for query
  ✔ configTest › Config - temporal - disable temporal schema augmentation
  ✔ filterTest › ID field NOT in given list
  ✔ filterTest › ID field different from given value
  ✔ filterTest › String field does NOT exist
  ✔ filterTest › String field exists
  ✔ filterTest › String field equal to given value (parameterized filter)
  ✔ filterTest › String field equal to given value (parameterized)
  ✔ filterTest › String field equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › String field that starts with given substring
  ✔ filterTest › String field that does NOT start with given substring
  ✔ filterTest › String field that ends with given substring
  ✔ filterTest › String field that does NOT end with given substring
  ✔ filterTest › String field that contains given substring
  ✔ filterTest › String field that does NOT contain given substring
  ✔ filterTest › String field in given list
  ✔ filterTest › String field NOT in given list
  ✔ filterTest › String field different from given value
  ✔ filterTest › Boolean field equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Boolean field different from given value
  ✔ filterTest › Enum field equal to given value (parameterized)
  ✔ filterTest › Enum field different from given value (parameterized)
  ✔ filterTest › Enum field NOT in given list (parameterized)
  ✔ filterTest › Enum field in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Int field equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Int field in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Int field NOT in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Int field less than or equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Int field less than given value
  ✔ filterTest › Int field greater than given value
  ✔ filterTest › Int field greater than or equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Float field equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Float field different from given value
  ✔ filterTest › Float field in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Float field NOT in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Float field less than or equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Float field less than to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Float field greater than or equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Float field greater than given value
  ✔ filterTest › Boolean AND Float field OR String field equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Boolean AND String field equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Boolean AND String field equal to value given in separate filters
  ✔ filterTest › Boolean field equal to OR String field NOT equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Boolean field equal to given value OR String value in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Related node does NOT exist
  ✔ filterTest › Related node exists
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes matching filter
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes NOT matching filter
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes matching filter in given list
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes NOT matching filter in given list
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes matching filter nested in given logical OR filters
  ✔ filterTest › String field equal to given value AND String field on ALL related nodes ends with given substring (parameterized filter)
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes matching String field equal to given value
  ✔ neo4j-schema › typesTest › label2GraphQLType
  ✔ neo4j-schema › typesTest › chooseGraphQLType
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes matching filter given in separate OR filters
  ✔ filterTest › ALL related nodes matching String field in given list
  ✔ filterTest › SOME related nodes matching given filter
  ✔ filterTest › EVERY related node matching given filter
  ✔ filterTest › NONE of any related nodes match given filter
  ✔ filterTest › SINGLE related node matching given filter
  ✔ filterTest › Nested relationship filter
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field different from given value
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field before or equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field before given value
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field after or equal to given value
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field after given value
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field NOT in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field does NOT exist
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field exists
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field does NOT exist on related node
  ✔ neo4j-schema › Neo4jSchemaTreeTest › Driver ownership
Initializing your Neo4j Schema
This may take a few moments depending on the size of your DB
Initializing your Neo4j Schema
This may take a few moments depending on the size of your DB
Initializing your Neo4j Schema
This may take a few moments depending on the size of your DB
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field on related node equal to given value
  ✔ neo4j-schema › Neo4jSchemaTreeTest › Initialize
  ✔ neo4j-schema › Neo4jSchemaTreeTest › Link Establishment
  ✔ neo4j-schema › Neo4jSchemaTreeTest › toJSON
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal field on related node equal to given year OR formatted value OR does NOT exist
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal and scalar field on relationship match given logical AND filters
  ✔ filterTest › Related node does NOT exist (relationship type)
  ✔ filterTest › Related node exists (relationship type)
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal fields on relationship do NOT exist
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher directive on Mutation type
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher directive on Mutation type with nested @cypher directive on field
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal fields on relationship exist
  ✔ cypherTest › Create node mutation
  ✔ cypherTest › Update node mutation
  ✔ filterTest › Temporal fields on relationship equal to given values
  ✔ cypherTest › Delete node mutation
  ✔ filterTest › ALL relationships matching filter
  ✔ filterTest › ALL relationships NOT matching filter
  ✔ filterTest › SOME relationships matching given filter
  ✔ filterTest › EVERY relationship matching given filter
  ✔ filterTest › NONE of any relationships match given filter
  ✔ filterTest › SINGLE relationship matching given filter
  ✔ filterTest › Scalar fields on relationship AND related node equal to given values
  ✔ filterTest › ALL relationships matching filter in given list
  ✔ filterTest › ALL relationships NOT matching filter in given list
  ✔ filterTest › ALL outgoing reflexive type relationships matching filter
  ✔ filterTest › ALL incoming reflexive type relationships NOT matching filter
  ✔ filterTest › ALL outgoing reflexive type relationships matching given filter
  ✔ filterTest › SOME incoming reflexive type relationships matching given filter
  ✔ filterTest › EVERY incoming and outgoing reflexive type relationship matching given filters
  ✔ filterTest › NONE of any incoming and outgoing reflexive type relationships match given filters
  ✔ filterTest › SINGLE incoming reflexive type relationships matching given filter
  ✔ filterTest › ALL outgoing reflexive relationships matching filter in given list
  ✔ filterTest › ALL incoming reflexive relationships NOT matching filter in given list
  ✔ filterTest › Incoming and outgoing reflexive relationships do NOT exist
  ✔ filterTest › Deeply nested list filters containing differences
  ✔ filterTest › Nested filter on relationship field
  ✔ filterTest › Nested filter on relationship type field
  ✔ filterTest › Nested filters on reflexive relationship type field
Relationship :BUYS has no properties and does not need to be generated
Relationship :LIVES_IN has no properties and does not need to be generated
  ✔ neo4j-schema › graphQLMapperTest › Basic Mapping Result Structure
  ✔ neo4j-schema › graphQLMapperTest › Defines a GraphQL type per node
  ✔ neo4j-schema › graphQLMapperTest › All nodes get an _id property to permit propertyless-node labels to work
type Customer {
   _id: Long!
   age: Integer
   name: String!
   buys: [Product] @relation(name: "BUYS", direction: "OUT")
   reviewed: [Product] @relation(name: "REVIEWED", direction: "OUT")
   lives_in: [State] @relation(name: "LIVES_IN", direction: "OUT")

type Product {
   _id: Long!
   sku: String!
   customers_buys: [Customer] @relation(name: "BUYS", direction: "IN")
   customers_reviewed: [Customer] @relation(name: "REVIEWED", direction: "IN")

type State {
   _id: Long!
   name: String!
   customers: [Customer] @relation(name: "LIVES_IN", direction: "IN")

type REVIEWED @relation(name: "REVIEWED") {
  from: Customer!
  to: Product!
  stars: Integer

  ✔ neo4j-schema › graphQLMapperTest › Defines properties with correct types
  ✔ neo4j-schema › graphQLMapperTest › Defines relationships BOTH WAYS with right order and @relation directive
  ✔ neo4j-schema › graphQLMapperTest › Deconflicts names for multi-targeted relationships by using relationship label
  ✔ neo4j-schema › graphQLMapperTest › Defines relationship types with properties
type Customer {
   _id: Long!
   age: Integer
   name: String!
   buys: [Product] @relation(name: "BUYS", direction: "OUT")
   reviewed: [Product] @relation(name: "REVIEWED", direction: "OUT")
   lives_in: [State] @relation(name: "LIVES_IN", direction: "OUT")

type Product {
   _id: Long!
   sku: String!
   customers_buys: [Customer] @relation(name: "BUYS", direction: "IN")
   customers_reviewed: [Customer] @relation(name: "REVIEWED", direction: "IN")

type State {
   _id: Long!
   name: String!
   customers: [Customer] @relation(name: "LIVES_IN", direction: "IN")

type REVIEWED @relation(name: "REVIEWED") {
  from: Customer!
  to: Product!
  stars: Integer

  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4jNode basics
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › SchemaEntity properties
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4jNode labels
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4jNode graphQLType
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4jRelationship basics
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4jRelationship type
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4jRelationship graphQLTypeName
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4j Relationship Links
  ✔ neo4j-schema › entitiesTest › Neo4j Univalent/Multivalent Relationships
  ✔ middleware › Middleware fail on req.error
  ✔ integration › Add relationship mutation
  ✔ integration › Remove relationship mutation
  ✔ integration › Temporal - Create node with temporal property
  ✔ integration › Temporal - Create node with multiple temporal fields and input formats
  ✔ integration › Temporal - Create node with multiple temporal fields and input formats - with GraphQL variables
  ✖ integration › Temporal - Query node with temporal field
  ✔ integration › Temporal - create node with only a temporal property
  ✖ integration › Temporal - temporal query argument, components
  ✖ integration › Temporal - temporal query argument, formatted
  ✔ integration › Add relationship with temporal property
  ✖ integration › Query for temporal property on relationship
  ✔ integration › hello world
  ✖ integration › Mutation with @cypher directive Error: GraphQL error: Node(32374) already exists with label `Genre` and property `name` = 'Wildlife Documentary'
  ✖ integration › Create node mutation Error: GraphQL error: Node(32355) already exists with label `Movie` and property `movieId` = '12dd334d5zaaaa'
  ✔ integration › Handle @cypher directive on QueryType (226ms)
  ✔ integration › Update node mutation (226ms)
  ✔ integration › Delete node mutation (272ms)
  ✔ integration › GraphQL query with @cypher directive (326ms)
  ✔ integration › Top level orderBy (332ms)
  ✔ integration › basic GraphQL query (353ms)
  ✔ integration › Basic filter (359ms)
  ✔ integration › query relationship property data (371ms)
  ✔ integration › query using inine fragment (404ms)
  ✔ integration › Filter with AND (452ms)
  ✔ integration › Filter with OR (614ms)
  ✔ integration › Filter in selection (663ms)
  ✔ integration › Filter with nested AND and OR (706ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add relationship mutation (3.5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add relationship mutation with GraphQL variables (3.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add relationship mutation with relationship property (3.3s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add reflexive relationship mutation with relationship property (3.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Remove relationship mutation (3.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Remove reflexive relationship mutation (3.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › orderBy test - descending, top level - augmented schema (2.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › query for relationship properties (2.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › query reflexive relation nested in non-reflexive relation (2.3s)
  ✔ cypherTest › query non-reflexive relation nested in reflexive relation (2.3s)
  ✔ cypherTest › query relation type with argument (2.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › query reflexive relation type with arguments (2.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › query using inline fragment (2.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Create node with temporal properties (2.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query node with temporal properties using temporal arguments (2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Nested Query with temporal property arguments (2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Update temporal and non-temporal properties on node using temporal property node selection (2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Update temporal list property on node using temporal property node selection (1.9s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Delete node using temporal property node selection (1.9s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add relationship mutation using temporal property node selection (1.9s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Remove relationship mutation using temporal property node selection (1.8s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query relationship with temporal properties (1.8s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add relationship mutation with temporal properties (1.7s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add relationship mutation with list properties (1.7s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Add reflexive relationship mutation with temporal properties (1.7s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Remove relationship mutation for relation type field (1.6s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query nested temporal properties on reflexive relationship using temporal arguments (1.6s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query nested temporal properties on relationships using temporal arguments (1.5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query nested list properties on relationship (1.5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › UUID value generated if no id value provided (1.5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Create node with list arguments (1.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › simple Cypher query (5.8s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Simple skip limit (5.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Cypher projection skip limit (5.3s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle Query with name not aligning to type (5.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query without arguments, non-null type (5.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query single object (5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query single object relation (5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query single object and array of objects relations (4.9s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Deeply nested object query (4.8s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle meta field at beginning of selection set (4.7s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle meta field at end of selection set (4.7s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle meta field in middle of selection set (4.6s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher directive without any params for sub-query (4.5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Pass @cypher directive default params to sub-query (4.5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Pass @cypher directive params to sub-query (4.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query for Neo4js internal _id (4.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query for Neo4js internal _id and another param before _id (4.3s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query for Neo4js internal _id and another param after _id (4.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query for Neo4js internal _id by dedicated Query MovieBy_Id(_id: String!) (4.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query for null value translates to 'IS NULL' WHERE clause (4.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query for null value combined with internal ID and another param (4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Cypher subquery filters (3.9s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Cypher subquery filters with paging (3.8s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher directive on Query Type (3.7s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle GraphQL variables in nested selection - first/offset (3s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle GraphQL variables in nest selection - @cypher param (not first/offset) (2.9s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Return internal node id for _id field (2.8s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Treat enum as a scalar (2.7s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle query fragment (2.7s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle multiple query fragments (2.6s)
  ✔ cypherTest › nested fragments (2.6s)
  ✔ cypherTest › fragments on relations (2.5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › nested fragments on relations (2.5s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Cypher array queries (1.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Cypher array sub queries (1.4s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Create node with non-null field (1.3s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query node with ignored field (1.3s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Deeply nested orderBy (1.3s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query using enum orderBy (1.3s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Query using temporal orderBy (1.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Deeply nested query using temporal orderBy (1.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher field with String payload using cypherParams (1.2s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle nested @cypher fields that use cypherParams (1.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query using cypherParams with String payload (1.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query using cypherParams with Object payload (1.1s)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query with Boolean payload (984ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query with Int payload (843ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query with Float payload (786ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query with String list payload (696ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query with Int list payload (641ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query with Temporal payload (569ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher mutation using cypherParams with String payload (520ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher mutation using cypherParams with Object payload (450ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher mutation with String list payload (403ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher mutation with Temporal payload (342ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle nested @cypher fields using parameterized arguments and cypherParams (275ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher mutation with input type argument (221ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher query with parameterized input type argument (161ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher field on root query type with scalar payload, no args (103ms)
  ✔ cypherTest › Handle @cypher field with parameterized value for field of input type argument
  ✔ integration › Nested filter (883ms)
  ✔ integration › Filter with GraphQL variable (919ms)

  6 tests failed

  integration › Temporal - Query node with temporal field


   876:     .then(data => {
   877:       t.deepEqual(,;
   878:     })


      Movie: [
        Object { … },
  -     {
  -       __typename: 'Movie',
  -       date: {
  -         __typename: '_Neo4jDate',
  -         formatted: '2010-01-02',
  -       },
  -       dateTime: {
  -         __typename: '_Neo4jDateTime',
  -         day: 2,
  -         hour: 0,
  -         millisecond: 0,
  -         minute: 0,
  -         month: 1,
  -         nanosecond: 0,
  -         second: 0,
  -         timezone: 'Z',
  -         year: 2010,
  -       },
  -       localDateTime: {
  -         __typename: '_Neo4jLocalDateTime',
  -         day: 2,
  -         formatted: '2010-01-02T00:00:00',
  -         hour: 0,
  -         minute: 0,
  -         month: 1,
  -         second: 0,
  -         year: 2010,
  -       },
  -       title: 'Bob Loblaw 3',
  -     },

  integration › Temporal - temporal query argument, components


   948:     .then(data => {
   949:       t.deepEqual(,;
   950:     })


      OnlyDate: [
        Object { … },
  -     {
  -       __typename: 'OnlyDate',
  -       date: {
  -         __typename: '_Neo4jDate',
  -         formatted: '2020-11-10',
  -       },
  -     },

  integration › Temporal - temporal query argument, formatted


   985:     .then(data => {
   986:       t.deepEqual(,;
   987:     })


      OnlyDate: [
        Object { … },
  -     {
  -       __typename: 'OnlyDate',
  -       date: {
  -         __typename: '_Neo4jDate',
  -         formatted: '2020-11-10',
  -       },
  -     },

  integration › Query for temporal property on relationship


   1074:     .then(data => {
   1075:       t.deepEqual(,;
   1076:     })


      Movie: [
          __typename: 'Movie',
          ratings: [
            Object { … },
  -         {
  -           __typename: '_MovieRatings',
  -           date: {
  -             __typename: '_Neo4jDate',
  -             formatted: '2018-12-18',
  -           },
  -           rating: 5,
  -         },
          title: 'Fire',

  integration › Mutation with @cypher directive


   200:     .catch(error => {
   202:     });

  Error: GraphQL error: Node(32374) already exists with label `Genre` and property `name` = 'Wildlife Documentary'

  integration › Create node mutation


   245:     .catch(error => {
   247:     });

  Error: GraphQL error: Node(32355) already exists with label `Movie` and property `movieId` = '12dd334d5zaaaa'

File                 |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
All files            |    94.87 |    83.12 |    94.99 |    95.05 |                   |
 dist                |    94.91 |    83.31 |    94.37 |    95.12 |                   |
  augment.js         |    95.58 |    84.78 |    95.92 |    95.94 |... 1008,1012,1242 |
  auth.js            |    82.76 |    64.15 |    85.71 |    81.82 |... 56,59,60,63,71 |
  index.js           |    65.65 |    39.34 |    53.85 |    66.15 |... 29,261,263,265 |
  selections.js      |     91.2 |    76.32 |    71.43 |     91.2 |... 40,141,143,144 |
  translate.js       |    99.19 |    92.15 |      100 |    99.18 |... 2002,2003,2004 |
  utils.js           |     93.4 |    82.18 |    95.04 |    93.96 |... 1039,1044,1045 |
 dist/neo4j-schema   |    94.48 |    80.37 |    97.12 |    94.48 |                   |
  Neo4jSchemaTree.js |    98.11 |    81.25 |    97.73 |    98.11 |           155,224 |
  entities.js        |     96.1 |       80 |     93.1 |     96.1 |          61,70,91 |
  graphQLMapper.js   |    89.81 |    72.97 |      100 |    89.81 |... 81,183,207,208 |
  types.js           |    94.29 |    88.24 |      100 |    94.29 |           101,107 |
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! neo4j-graphql-js@2.6.1 test-all: `nyc ava test/*.js test/neo4j-schema/*Test.js --verbose`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the neo4j-graphql-js@2.6.1 test-all script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/robert/.npm/_logs/2019-05-22T12_53_31_755Z-debug.log

This is an obvious indicator for so-called non-atomic tests, tests that are not isolated. Running one test case may interfere with another unrelated test case. This is a problem because it deteriorates the quality of the tests, makes flaky behaviour likely and leads to less confidence in the test setup. Plus, it's a not reproducible test setup, it's simply annoying to re-create your database every time.


Ideal solution:

  • Clean the database after each test run
  • For every test case, you have to setup the relevant data e.g. in a before block

How could you e.g. test the behaviour of this library, say, on an empty database?

The less optimal solution for now might be to check-in a dump of the database currently in use and load the dump prior to each test case.

roschaefer added a commit to roschaefer/neo4j-graphql-js that referenced this issue May 22, 2019
Copy link

@roschaefer , isn't this very similar to a situation we had a couple of weeks before? don't remember exactly, but there was a setting of the database config to queue the requests serially vs. working multitasked?

Copy link
Contributor Author

Nope. You talking about jest's --runInBand option. Jest is not used as a test runnner in this project, instead it's ava.

Plus, the test expect the very same state in the database and it's a lot of data, see below 👇 It might be a lot of work to refactor the tests to use factories (set up the required data for each test). Then you can do MATCH(n) DELETE DETACH n;. If would clean the data after each test run, then the database is empty, which is not what you want. Something like a rollback or a database transaction would be great, but I don't know how to achieve this in our setting.

Screenshot - 2019-05-22T171806 859

roschaefer added a commit to roschaefer/neo4j-graphql-js that referenced this issue May 22, 2019
With this commit you can run

npm run test-isolated

over and over again and the tests should pass. This does not fix the
issue mentioned above but it makes it less painful. At least I can make
my changes and run all tests exluding those that are not isolated. When I'm done
with my changes I can re-import the data and run all the tests, even those that
are not isolated.

This is what I did to get all the tests passing on my machine:

sudo rm /var/lib/neo4j/data/databases/* -r
sudo cp -rp ~/Downloads/temp/neo4j-graphql-js/recommendations.db/ /var/lib/neo4j/data/databases/graph.db
sudo systemctl restart neo4j.service

Very annoying.

@johnymontana @michaeldgraham do you know if there is a single command
that brings the database into a state where it was *before* running the
test case? Something that we could use in a `beforeEach` or `afterEach`?

See: neo4j-graphql#252 (comment)
roschaefer added a commit to roschaefer/neo4j-graphql-js that referenced this issue May 22, 2019
With this commit you can run

npm run test-isolated

over and over again and the tests should pass. This does not fix the
issue mentioned above but it makes it less painful. At least I can make
my changes and run all tests exluding those that are not isolated. When I'm done
with my changes I can re-import the data and run all the tests, even those that
are not isolated.

This is what I did to get all the tests passing on my machine:

sudo rm /var/lib/neo4j/data/databases/* -r
sudo cp -rp ~/Downloads/temp/neo4j-graphql-js/recommendations.db/ /var/lib/neo4j/data/databases/graph.db
sudo systemctl restart neo4j.service

Very annoying.

@johnymontana @michaeldgraham do you know if there is a single command
that brings the database into a state where it was *before* running the
test case? Something that we could use in a `beforeEach` or `afterEach`?

See: neo4j-graphql#252 (comment)
roschaefer added a commit to roschaefer/neo4j-graphql-js that referenced this issue May 22, 2019
With this commit you can run

npm run test-isolated

over and over again and the tests should pass. This does not fix the
issue mentioned above but it makes it less painful. At least I can make
my changes and run all tests exluding those that are not isolated. When I'm done
with my changes I can re-import the data and run all the tests, even those that
are not isolated.

This is what I did to get all the tests passing on my machine:

sudo rm /var/lib/neo4j/data/databases/* -r
sudo cp -rp ~/Downloads/temp/neo4j-graphql-js/recommendations.db/ /var/lib/neo4j/data/databases/graph.db
sudo systemctl restart neo4j.service

Very annoying.

@johnymontana @michaeldgraham do you know if there is a single command
that brings the database into a state where it was *before* running the
test case? Something that we could use in a `beforeEach` or `afterEach`?

See: neo4j-graphql#252 (comment)
roschaefer added a commit to roschaefer/neo4j-graphql-js that referenced this issue May 23, 2019
With this commit you can run

npm run test-isolated

over and over again and the tests should pass. This does not fix the
issue mentioned above but it makes it less painful. At least I can make
my changes and run all tests exluding those that are not isolated. When I'm done
with my changes I can re-import the data and run all the tests, even those that
are not isolated.

This is what I did to get all the tests passing on my machine:

sudo rm /var/lib/neo4j/data/databases/* -r
sudo cp -rp ~/Downloads/temp/neo4j-graphql-js/recommendations.db/ /var/lib/neo4j/data/databases/graph.db
sudo systemctl restart neo4j.service

Very annoying.

@johnymontana @michaeldgraham do you know if there is a single command
that brings the database into a state where it was *before* running the
test case? Something that we could use in a `beforeEach` or `afterEach`?

See: neo4j-graphql#252 (comment)
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Ideally, we can restructure these tests to use just a Cypher based fixture for setup, rather than dependency on loading a full database dump

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