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Wrapper of project routing-controllers

Easily create express app in TypeScript with Decorators

Example :

import { Acl, Body, Get, JsonController, Service, Post } from 'n9-node-routing';

export class ValidateController {
	@Acl([{ action: 'readFoo', user: '@' }])
	public async getFoo(): Promise<object> {
		return {
			foo: 'bar',

	public async createFoo(@Body() body: ElementRequestCreate): Promise<any> {
		return body;

ℹ️ A global presentation is available here (in french for now)

⚠️ Some class-validator features changes between v 1.26 and 1.29 :

  • The "Custom validation decorators" require a new class instance and not only the class reference/name. Here an example.
  • The validation with schema, here is the issue opened

⚠️ BREAKING CHANGES when upgrading to n9-node-routing V3

  • Drop Node 14 support
  • Rename from n9-node-routing to @neo9/n9-node-routing
  • Services injected names change :
    • @Inject('N9HttpClient') httpClient: N9HttpClient@Inject() httpClient: N9HttpClient
    • @Inject('conf') conf: Configuration@Inject() conf: Configuration
    • @Inject('logger') logger: N9Log@Inject() logger: N9Log or in constructor parameters logger: N9Log
    • Remove global properties :
      • global.conf and global.log are not set or used anymore
      • global.db and global.dbClient are not used too
  • Log level is by default debug in development environment
  • New lifecycle hook : callbacksBeforeShutdownAfterExpressEnded to stop databases
  • Exported functions has been renamed : Some of the exported functions has been renamed to better reflect what they are doing. This come from class-transformer update. classToPlaininstanceToPlain plainToClassplainToInstance
  • class-validator and class-transformer update to version 0.14.0 and 0.5.1

⚠️ BREAKING CHANGES when upgrading to n9-node-routing V2

  • Drop Node 12 support
  • Startup hooks signature change (beforeRoutingControllerLaunchHook and afterRoutingControllerLaunchHook) now an object is passed
  • Logger labels changes
  • Swagger option isEnable is renamed isEnabled with same default value as before to true
  • n9-node-routing now load the app configuration
  • /ping response is now an object : { response: 'pong' }
  • / response is now an object: { name: 'myApi' }
  • /version' response is now an object : { version: '1.2.3' }`
  • Prometheus metrics are enabled by default. To disable them use n9NodeRoutingOptions.prometheus.isEnabled: false


API Documentation

Documentation available as openapi 3.0 format : /documentation.json

Swagger UI for API available at : /documentation


A starter app is available here :

Init and started files

At startup n9NodeRouting does in order :

  1. Find current environment (dev/.../pre-prod/prod)
  2. Load the conf for current environment
  3. Create a logger
  4. Print the current environment, app name and Node.js version (process.version)
  5. * Validate configuration is enabled
  6. * Start APM if any
  7. Run *.init.ts (actually *.init.js). Call default exported function with params : logger, conf
  8. Startup express then start listening on the port 5000 by default
  9. * Register shutdown callback if any
  10. Run *.started.ts (actually *.started.js). Call default exported function with params : logger, conf

Some utils

  • Unified HttpClient using got

  • Cargo to group multiple small task into a bigger one, for example, multiple http calls

  • HttpCargoBuilder a simpler way to build a cargo to group HTTP calls

  • Validate configuration at startup and expose it on endpoint /conf ⚠️ To hide passord, use the transformer like one of this usage

    	secret?: string;
    	secretOpaque?: string;
    	secretOpaqueNil?: string;
    	@Transform(SecretTransformer.GET_TRANSFORMER(SecretType.INVISIBLE)) // default
    	secretInvisible?: string;
    	secretUri?: string;


To use Sentry you only have to ask it to n9-node-routing :

  • Basic usage : define the env variable SENTRY_DSN and it will activate it with default options.
  • Fill the sentry options with at least the dsn.

Default enabled options are :

  • setting the app version in sentry release
  • set the NODE_ENV as sentry environment
  • enable tracing for ALL requests


To run all test : yarn test
To run a test containing foo : yarn test **/*foo*
To debug a test containing foo : yarn test:dev **/*foo* it will watch your files a re-run this test each time


  1. Install all dependencies and install git hooks with husky :


  2. Run the project tests:

    yarn test