Swift library for interaction with TON (The Open Network) smart contract
OS | Result |
MacOS | âś… |
Linux | âś… |
iOS | âś… |
Windows | âś… |
Install ton-sdk-swift-smc:
.package(url: "https://github.com/nerzh/ton-sdk-swift-smc", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")),
import TonSdkSwiftSmc
import BigInt
import SwiftExtensionsPack
import XCTest
final class TTests: XCTestCase {
let seed: String = "..."
let publicKey: String = "..."
let secretKey: String = "..."
let apiKey: String = "..."
/// HighloadWalletV2
func testHighloadWalletV2() async throws {
let api: ToncenterApi = .init(apiKey: apiKey, protocol: .https)
let wallet: HighloadWalletV2 = try .init(publicKey: publicKey.hexToBytes())
print("hash", try wallet.code.hash())
let address: String = wallet.address.toString(type: .base64)
print("transfer > 0.05 TON to this address:", address)
print("awaiting deposit ...")
let isInit: Bool = try await api.jsonRpc().getAddressInformation(address: address).result?.state.lowercased() != "active"
while true {
if !isInit { break }
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000_000)
let balance: BigInt = .init((try await api.jsonRpc().getAddressBalance(address: address).result?.toJSON().replace(#"\""#, "") ?? "0")) ?? 0
let coins: Coins = .init(nanoValue: balance)
print("balance: \(balance)", coins.coinsValue)
if coins.coinsValue >= 0.05 {
print("got deposit, initializing transfer to itself...")
let comment: Cell = try CellBuilder().storeUInt(0, 32).storeString("My first transaction").cell()
let comment2: Cell = try CellBuilder().storeUInt(0, 32).storeString("My first transaction 2").cell()
let transfers: [HighloadWalletTransfer] = [
HighloadWalletTransfer(destination: wallet.address, bounce: false, value: Coins(0.0001), mode: 3, body: comment),
HighloadWalletTransfer(destination: wallet.address, bounce: false, value: Coins(0.000101), mode: 3, body: comment2),
let transfer: Message = try wallet.buildTransfer(transfers: transfers, secret32Byte: secretKey.hexToBytes(), isInit: isInit)
let boc: String = try Boc.serialize(root: [transfer.cell()]).toBase64()
let out = try await api.jsonRpc().send(boc: boc)
print("result:", out.result?.toJSON() ?? "", "error:", out.error ?? "")
/// WalletV3
func testWalletV3() async throws {
let api: ToncenterApi = .init(apiKey: apiKey, protocol: .https)
let wallet: WalletV3 = try .init(pubkey: publicKey.hexToBytes())
print("hash", try wallet.code.hash())
let address: String = wallet.address.toString(type: .base64)
print("transfer > 0.05 TON to this address:", address)
print("awaiting deposit ...")
let isInit: Bool = try await api.jsonRpc().getAddressInformation(address: address).result?.state.lowercased() != "active"
while true {
if !isInit { break }
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000_000)
let balance: BigInt = .init((try await api.jsonRpc().getAddressBalance(address: address).result?.toJSON().replace(#"\""#, "") ?? "0")) ?? 0
let coins: Coins = .init(nanoValue: balance)
print("balance: \(balance)", coins.coinsValue)
if coins.coinsValue >= 0.05 {
print("got deposit, initializing transfer to itself...")
let comment: Cell = try CellBuilder().storeUInt(0, 32).storeString("My first transaction").cell()
let comment2: Cell = try CellBuilder().storeUInt(0, 32).storeString("My first transaction 2").cell()
let transfers: [WalletV3Transfer] = [
WalletV3Transfer(destination: wallet.address, bounce: false, value: Coins(0.0001), mode: 3, body: comment),
WalletV3Transfer(destination: wallet.address, bounce: false, value: Coins(0.000101), mode: 3, body: comment2),
var seqno: UInt32 = 0
let wallet_info = try await api.jsonRpc().runGetMethod(address: address, method: "seqno", stack: []).result?.toDictionary() ?? [:]
((wallet_info["exit_code"] as? Int) ?? -1) == 0,
let seqnoStr = (wallet_info["stack"] as? [[String]])?.first?.last,
let currentSeqno = UInt32(seqnoStr.delete0x, radix: 16)
seqno = currentSeqno
let transfer: Message = try wallet.buildTransfer(transfers: transfers, seqno: seqno, privateKey: secretKey.hexToBytes(), isInit: isInit)
let boc: String = try Boc.serialize(root: [transfer.cell()]).toBase64()
let out = try await api.jsonRpc().send(boc: boc)
print("result:", out.result?.toJSON() ?? "", "error:", out.error ?? "")
/// WalletV4
func testWalletV4() async throws {
let api: ToncenterApi = .init(apiKey: apiKey, protocol: .https)
let wallet: WalletV4 = try .init(pubkey: publicKey.hexToBytes())
print("hash", try wallet.code.hash())
let address: String = wallet.address.toString(type: .base64)
print("transfer > 0.05 TON to this address:", address)
print("awaiting deposit ...")
let isInit: Bool = try await api.jsonRpc().getAddressInformation(address: address).result?.state.lowercased() != "active"
while true {
if !isInit { break }
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000_000)
let balance: BigInt = .init((try await api.jsonRpc().getAddressBalance(address: address).result?.toJSON().replace(#"\""#, "") ?? "0")) ?? 0
let coins: Coins = .init(nanoValue: balance)
print("balance: \(balance)", coins.coinsValue)
if coins.coinsValue >= 0.05 {
print("got deposit, initializing transfer to itself...")
let comment: Cell = try CellBuilder().storeUInt(0, 32).storeString("My first transaction").cell()
let comment2: Cell = try CellBuilder().storeUInt(0, 32).storeString("My first transaction 2").cell()
let transfers: [WalletV4Transfer] = [
WalletV4Transfer(destination: wallet.address, bounce: false, value: Coins(0.0001), mode: 3, body: comment),
WalletV4Transfer(destination: wallet.address, bounce: false, value: Coins(0.000101), mode: 3, body: comment2),
var seqno: UInt32 = 0
let wallet_info: [String: String] = try await api.jsonRpc().runGetMethod(address: address, method: "seqno", stack: []).result?.toDictionary() ?? [:]
((wallet_info["exit_code"] as? Int) ?? -1) == 0,
let seqnoStr = (wallet_info["stack"] as? [[String]])?.first?.last,
let currentSeqno = UInt32(seqnoStr.delete0x, radix: 16)
seqno = currentSeqno
let transfer: Message = try wallet.buildTransfer(transfers: transfers, seqno: seqno, privateKey: secretKey.hexToBytes(), isInit: isInit)
let boc: String = try Boc.serialize(root: [transfer.cell()]).toBase64()
let out = try await api.jsonRpc().send(boc: boc)
print("result:", out.result?.toJSON() ?? "", "error:", out.error ?? "")
I would like to thank cryshado for their valuable advice and help in developing this library.