Start your next NestJS project in seconds
Develop database-agnostic APIs with a focus on performance, maintainability, security, quick implementation, and best practices.
- Role based authentication
- NestJS-Boilerplate already got you covered, so you don't have to implement a full authentication scheme from scratch.
- JWT Strategy
- Register users
- Login users
- Login with google
- Login with facebook
- User password recovery
- Email confirmation
- Phone confirmation
- Two-factor authentication
- Protect API controllers or endpoints with the auth guard
- Create new roles
- Enable / disable existing roles
- Delete existing roles
- Enable / disable existing roles
- Bind a specific role to a set of permissions
- Assign one or many roles to one user
- Email sending
- Nodemailer to send emails from Node.js and handlebars as the template engine. The boilerplate already has a configuration module that handles all the config parameters. You just have to tweak some environment variables in the .env file like the sender's email and sender's email password, after that you can start designing your email templates.
- File uploading
- Multer to upload files to the server and all the file organization is handled by the database
Authentication features
Role features