This is a sample application that implementing a non-production ready Secret Server API. You can create a secret which can be queried a limited time and optionally you can specify a Time-To-Live.
Hosted Demo:
You need the following to run this sample application:
- PHP >= 5.6.4
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- MySQL Server
Run the following commands in your webroot:
$ git clone .
$ cd secret-server
$ composer install
Now please edit the .env file for your MySQL database, then run migrations:
$ php artisan migrate
You can add a secret to your database via sending a POST request.
POST /secret
- secret - The stored secret data (255 chars. max.)
- expireAfterViews - The number of request before the secret is invalidated. Needs to be greater than zero.
- expireAfter - You can specify a TTL in minutes. Use 0 for no TTL.
Response: The server will respond with the object if every parameter was validated.
"secretText": "string",
"remainingViews": "10",
"expiresAt": "2017-09-28T14:05:00.000Z",
"hash": "hash-string",
"createdAt": "2017-09-28T14:00:00.000Z"
If something wrong the following error code will shown:
"code": 405,
"message": "Invalid input"
You can also specify the output format via the 'format' GET parameter.
E.g.: POST /secret?format=xml
Supported outputs are:
- json
- xml
You can retrieve a secret from your database via sending a GET request.
GET /secret/hash-string
If the requested secret is not exists or it was invalidated because the count of views or expiration the following error message will appears:
"message":"Secret not found"
You can also specify the format for this request too, the same way.