CT-based COVID-19 Triage: Deep Multitask Learning Improves Joint Identification and Severity Quantification
This repository is the official implementation of CT-based COVID-19 Triage: Deep Multitask Learning Improves Joint Identification and Severity Quantification.
To install requirements:
conda create -n covid_19_triage python=3.6
conda activate covid_19_triage
git clone https://github.com/neuro-ml/COVID-19-Triage
cd COVID-19-Triage
pip install -e .
To download the dataset run
python scripts/download_mosmed.py -o <raw_mosmed_root>
To prepare the data for training run
python scripts/prepare_mosmed.py -i <raw_mosmed_root> -o <mosmed_root>
Here <raw_mosmed_root>
, <mosmed_root>
are some paths under your file system, where you want to save the raw and prepared data, correspondingly.
Download Medseg-20 and Medseg-9 datasets. Unzip archives to the folders under <raw_medseg_root>
. You should get the following folders structure
- <raw_medseg_root>
- COVID-19-CT-Seg_20cases
- *.nii.gz
- Infection_Mask
- Lung_Mask
- rp_im
- rp_lung_msk
- rp_msk
Then run
python scripts/prepare_medseg.py -i <raw_medseg_root> -o <medseg_root>
Download the dicoms and lungs masks. You should get the folders structure
- <raw_nsclc_root>
- NSCLC-Radiomics
- LUNG1-*
- Thoracic_Cavities
- LUNG1-*
Then run
python scripts/prepare_nsclc.py -i <raw_nsclc_root> -o <nsclc_root>
Finally, download the test dataset that we released at google drive. The dataset has the following tree
- .../test
- covid
- images
- *.nii.gz
- masks
- *.nii.gz
- bacterial_pneumonia
- images
- *.nii.gz
- nodules
- images
- *.nii.gz
- normal
- images
- *.nii.gz
To prepare this Nifti dataset for testing run
python scripts/prepare_test.py -i <raw_test_root> -o <test_root>
where <raw_test_root> = .../test
First we need to train lungs segmentation network. It is used in the COVID-19 triage pipelines at the preprocessing step to crop an input image to the lungs bounding box.
To train network run
python scripts/train_lungs_sgm.py --nsclc <nsclc_root> -o experiments/lungs_sgm
Then run
python scripts/predict_dataset_lungs_masks.py --model experiments/lungs_sgm/checkpoints/best/Sequential --dataset <mosmed_root>
python scripts/predict_dataset_lungs_masks.py --model experiments/lungs_sgm/checkpoints/best/Sequential --dataset <test_root>
to predict and save lungs masks for the Mosmed-1110 and Mosmed-Test datasets.
To train the proposed multitask network for COVID-19 triage run
python scripts/train_multitask_spatial.py --mosmed <mosmed_root> --medseg <medseg_root> --nsclc <nsclc_root> -o experiments/multitask_spatial
To train ResNet-50 for COVID-19 identification run
python scripts/train_resnet.py --mosmed <mosmed_root> --nsclc <nsclc_root> -o experiments/resnet
To evaluate the trained proposed multitask model on the test dataset and save predictions to <multitask_spatial_predictions_root>
python scripts/eval_multitask_spatial.py --lungs_model experiments/lungs_sgm/checkpoints/best/Sequential --mutltitask_spatial experiments/multitask_spatial/checkpoints/best/MultitaskSpatial --test <test_root> -o <multitask_spatial_predictions_root>
To calculate metrics run
python scripts/calculate_metrics.py --test <test_root> --pred <multitask_spatial_predictions_root>
To evaluate ResNet-50 and save predictions to <resnet_predictions_root>
python scripts/eval_resnet.py --lungs_model experiments/lungs_sgm/checkpoints/best/Sequential --resnet experiments/resnet/checkpoints/best/Sequential --test <test_root> -o <resnet_predictions_root>
To calculate metrics run
python scripts/calculate_metrics.py --test <test_root> --pred <resnet_predictions_root>