This Wordpress plugin pre-sets some common configuration options for Timber and Twig. It also
creates a new post class, NC_TimberPost
, that extends the default TimberPost
class with
commonly-needed functions and properties. When writing new TimberPost classes, you should extend
instead of the default TimberPost
- Enables Timber caching and moves the cache directory to
(required on Pantheon for filesystem write-access) - Expands the locations that Timber will seek Twig templates and partials. Any
file placed inside either the/templates
directory will be detected, no matter how many directories deep it may be.
|quoteswap( $mode[optional] )
Changes all curly double-quotes to curly single quotes. Useful for nesting quotes.
You can also pass a$mode
argument ofs_to_d
to change single quotes to double. This is not usually adviseable, since the filter doesn't currently know the different between single quotes and apostrophes.|print_r
Mimics the PHPprint_r
function, returning a formatted array or object wrapped in a<pre>
tag for easier reading.
Returns an array of post IDs for all ancestors of the current (hierarchical) page or post, starting with the top-level ancestor and ending with the post's direct parent. If the post has no ancestors, this returnsfalse
.post.ancestors( $pos )
Passing an integer topost.ancestors
returns a single post ID of the ancestor$pos
steps removed from the current post. For example,post.ancestors(1)
would return the current post's parent, andpost.ancestors(2)
would return its grandparent.
A position of0
will return the top-level ancestor, as will passing any value greater than the total number of
Shorthand forpost.ancestors(0)
Returns an array of objects containing information about the current post's ancestors, suitable for building a breadcrumb navigation list. Each object contains the following values:title
: the title of the page/postID
: The post ID of the page/posturl
: The permalink to the page/post