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brew install neovim

Next we need to install python support:

pip install pynvim

Install language server for python:

pip3 install 'python-lsp-server[all]'

alpha live-grep finder will not function without riggrep.

brew install ripgrep

fd is a program to find entries in your filesystem: Alpha requires fd to function:

brew install fd

Get healthy

Open nvim and enter the following:

:checkhealth telescope


Neovim supports plugins (called extensions in VS Code). There are quite a few plugin managers : vim-plug, pathogen and packer. Well, so we will use packer.

To get started, clone this repository to somewhere on your packpath:

git clone --depth 1 ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim

Installing Language Servers for LSP

To use LSP, there are two parts involved. First, we need to install a language server for the language we use. Second, we need to use a plugin that acts as an LSP client that communicates with this server.

There are quite a few LSP clients out there. Some of the most popular ones are:

  • coc.nvim
  • vim-lsp
  • LanguageClient-neovim
  • vim-lsc

LSP and auto-completion support is already configured with required plugins. Neovim built-in LSP client is installed using nvim-lspconfig.

Examples of languages support :

npm install -g pyright
pip install "python-language-server[all]"
go get

For TypeScript, let’s install npm install -g typescript-language-server typescript. You might not need to install typescript globally.

Keymap Effect
gD go to Declaration
gd go to definition
gr go to references
gi go to implementations
K Works like "hover" in most text editors that support a mouse. When placed above a function or variable, it will show a tooltip with types and docs.
leader+rn Rename the object that is currently under the cursor. It can be used for renaming functions, variables, etc.
leader D Go to type definition.
leader ca Open a code aaction menu. Quick fixes, refactors, etc. It's the same menu that would be opened by pressing the "lightbulb" in VS Code.



nvimtree is a File Explorer For Neovim.


  • Automatic updates
  • File type icons
  • Git integration
  • Diagnostics integration: LSP and COC
  • (Live) filtering
  • Cut, copy, paste, rename, delete, create
  • Highly customisable


treesitter is a parser tool, that builds a hierarchical syntax tree that is used internally by Neovim and various plugins to provide some crucial features like syntax highlighting and others. So let’s make sure to get it out of the way first.


The next plugin on our list is responsible for autocompletion. We want to get handy tips and suggestions when we are typing. In our case, cmp will be responsible for that (using the LSPs as the backend).

| Keymap | Effect | | ctrl+space | This will open the suggestions box, it works similarly to how VS Code’s autocompletion works. | | ctrl+j | Select next suggestion. | | ctrl+k | Select previous suggestion. | | ctrl+d | Scroll the documentation window down. | | ctrl+f | Scroll the documentation window up. | | ctrl+e | Close the suggestion box (exit). |


All that’s left is making sure we can quickly and easily navigate around our code and between our files. We have a plugin for that too. I use telescope with ripgrep as a backend for searching through my codebases.

However, some of them will require ripgrep to be installed on your system. On macOS, you can install it via brew install ripgrep.

| Keymap | Effect | | leader space | Opens the telescope UI and searches through the names of your open buffers. In other words — use this to jump between your open files. | | leader sf | Search through project files. Telescope will search through the names of all the files in the current directory. Useful to open new files. | | leader sp | Search in the whole project. Works like SHIFT+F in other text editors. |


The last plugin we’ll configure is the gitsigns plugin. This will add great-looking git information in near the line numbers about whether a line was added, changed or modified. I find that particularly useful.


nvim-dap-python uses debugpy so let’s install it:

pip install debugpy

Vim Cheat Sheet

Vim Cheat Sheet



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