Use the template (SupportNewsissue) to create your News needs. This template is used by the Newton community to apply to News issues, including Newton ecological activities, summaries, projects online, weekly reports, and other content output.
Process: Go to newtonproject/community/News, click here to enter New issue. Select the template on the New issue page, directly select Support a News for News and click Start, Put the Title and comment in, and confirming that it is correct, click submit new issue.
Example: Title: <Theme + Ecological Project> eg: Weekly report for Newton_project
The News had published, and the issue link will be stored in the specific file for backup.
No need to fill in <> in Title. Please fill in the information one by one according to the template requirements, and submit the issue after ensuring that the information is correct. After the News is completed, it will be submitted to the applicant in the form of an issue comment, and the submitter is requested to check it in time.