Doom port to an nRF52840-based USB BLE dongle, the Adafruit CLUE board, and any device using Nordic Semiconductors nRF52840. Coded by Nicola Wrachien.
Based on the excellent doomhack's GBA Doom Port ( with some Kippykip's additions.
Wireless gamepad with audio streaming like Wii remote.
Extremely fast. Run almost always above 30 fps (except Episode 4 of Ultimate Doom).
Additional gamepad support for Adafruit CLUE option (or other devices with enough I/Os)
- Parallel Keyboard (each key routed to one GPIO).
- MCP23008 I2C Port Expander.
Tested with:
- Shareware DOOM1.WAD.
- Full Commercial DOOM.WAD
- Ultimate Doom WAD.
- Doom 2 WAD.
Full Vanilla Render engine, including Z-depth lighting.
Player's weapon also is subjected to ambient light.
Monster behavior and sound propagation implemented.
Sound FX support.
Cheats implemented.
NEW: 2022-04-24: Doom1.WAD v1.9 built-in demo support!
What's missing?
Demo playback: for now only Doom1.WAD v1.9 built-in demos are supported.
Need to be debugged.
Multiplayer not implemented.
Strafe: alt + Left-Right
Automap: use + change weapon
Menu: alt + use
The schematics of the prototype, Adafruit micro:bit port expander board + audio and wireless gamepad are in the hardware subdirectory.
- MCUDoomWadUtil: source of the WAD converter (Code::Blocks project). Note that GBADoom.wad must be put in the same directory as the executable.
- NRF52840Doom: the actual Doom port (Segger Embedded Studio Project)
- NRF52840DoomKeyboardOnNRF51822: wireless gamepad + audio (Segger Embedded Studio Project)
- hardware: schematics.