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v2.0.0 - Brazilian Escondidinho - 2024-09-05

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@jasmezz jasmezz released this 05 Sep 10:50

v2.0.0 - Brazilian Escondidinho - [2024-09-05]

Breaking change

  • #391 Made all "database" parameter names consistent, skip hmmsearch by default. (by @jasmezz)
Old parameter New parameter
annotation_bakta_db_localpath annotation_bakta_db
arg_abricate_db arg_abricate_db_id
arg_abricate_localdbdir arg_abricate_db
arg_deeparg_data arg_deeparg_db
arg_deeparg_data_version arg_deeparg_db_version
arg_rgi_database arg_rgi_db
bgc_antismash_databases bgc_antismash_db
bgc_antismash_installationdirectory bgc_antismash_installdir
bgc_deepbgc_database bgc_deepbgc_db
save_databases save_db
taxa_classification_mmseqs_databases_localpath taxa_classification_mmseqs_db
taxa_classification_mmseqs_databases_id taxa_classification_mmseqs_db_id
taxa_classification_mmseqs_databases_savetmp taxa_classification_mmseqs_db_savetmp
amp_skip_hmmsearch amp_run_hmmsearch
bgc_skip_hmmsearch bgc_run_hmmsearch
  • #343 Standardized the resulting workflow summary tables to always start with 'sample_id\tcontig_id\t..'. Reformatted the output of hamronization/summarize module. (by @Darcy220606)
  • #411 Optimised hAMRonization input: only high-quality hits from fARGene output are reported. (by @jasmezz, @jfy133)



  • #348 Updated samplesheet for pipeline tests to 'samplesheet_reduced.csv' with smaller datasets to reduce resource consumption. Updated prodigal module to fix pigz issue. Removed tests/ from .gitignore. (by @Darcy220606)
  • #362 Save annotations from bakta in subdirectories per sample. (by @jasmezz)
  • #363 Removed warning from DeepBGC usage docs. (by @jasmezz)
  • #365 Fixed AMRFinderPlus module and usage docs for manual database download. (by @jasmezz)
  • #371 Fixed AMRFinderPlus parameter arg_amrfinderplus_name. (by @m3hdad)
  • #377 Fixed an occasional RGI process failure when certain files not produced. (❤️ to @amizeranschi for reporting, fix by @amizeranschi & @jfy133)
  • #386 Updated DeepBGC module to fix output file names, separate annotation step for all BGC tools, add warning if no BGCs found, fix MultiQC reporting of annotation workflow. (by @jfy133, @jasmezz)
  • #393 & #397 Fixed a docker/singularity only error appearing when running with conda. (❤️ to @ewissel for reporting, fix by @jfy33 & @jasmezz)
  • #391 Skip hmmmsearch by default to not crash pipeline if user provides no HMM files, updated docs. (by @jasmezz)
  • #397 Removed deprecated AMPcombi module, fixed variable name in BGC workflow, updated minor parts in docs (usage, parameter schema). (by @jasmezz)
  • #402 Fixed BGC length calculation for antiSMASH hits by comBGC. (by @jasmezz)
  • #406 Fixed prediction tools not being executed if annotation workflow skipped. (by @jasmezz)
  • #407 Fixed comBGC bug when parsing multiple antiSMASH files. (by @jasmezz)
  • #409 Fixed argNorm overwriting its output for DeepARG. (by @jasmezz, @jfy133)
  • #412 Improve all pre-run database download documentation. (by @jfy133)


Tool Previous version New version
AMPcombi 0.1.7 0.2.2
AMPlify 1.1.0 2.0.0
AMRFinderPlus 3.11.18 3.12.8
antiSMASH 6.1.1 7.1.0
argNorm NA 0.5.0
bioawk 1.0 NA
comBGC 1.6.1 1.6.2
DeepARG 1.0.2 1.0.4
DeepBGC 0.1.30 0.1.31
GECCO 0.9.8 0.9.10
hAMRonization 1.1.1 1.1.4
HMMER 3.3.2 3.4
MMSeqs NA 2:15.6f452
MultiQC 1.15 1.24
Pyrodigal 2.1.0 3.3.0
RGI 5.2.1 6.0.3
seqkit NA 2.8.1
tabix/htslib 1.11 1.20


  • #384 Deprecated AMPcombi and exchanged it with full suite of AMPcombi2 submodules. (by @Darcy220606)
  • #382 Optimised BGC screening run time and prevent crashes due to too-short contigs by adding contig length filtering for BGC workflow only. Bioawk is replaced with seqkit. (by @jfy133, @Darcy220606)

Photo by Victória Galina under CC BY-NC 3.0 BR