This is a boilerplate test project includes various implementations of the standard to compare gas Usage for the same functions. This should be used as a starting point to build out functionality. Currently, this repo tests mint
costs only for the following contract implementations:
- OpenZeppelin standard
- ERC721B (Blimpie. by Squeebo aka erc721 slim)
- ERC721Sequencial by papaver (Genetic chain implementation)
- Nuclear Nerds ERC721 (Mason/Chance)
- Azuki ERC721A
- ERC1155D (erc721-like implementation)
- Differenece beteen mint costs grow larger (relative) as gas price increases. test this by setting manual gas price in hardhat.config.js
- Mint Many example is for minting
from each contract implementation
This project uses hardhat to run tests. install the dependencies with
then, run the included tests with
npx hardhat test
*Note: the included tests do not have any assertions, they are simply used to run functions and report the gasUsed.
check hardhat.config.js for settings. the optimizer is turned on at 1200 runs.