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Floodlight installation

Gerardo García edited this page Nov 28, 2016 · 8 revisions

This page is obsolete.

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This article includes the steps to install Floodlight 0.90 Openflow controller. #Installation# Follow these steps to install a Floodlight Openflow Controller:

  1. Download from its official page into the parent directory where openmano was installed:

     $ cd ./openmano/..
     $ wget
  2. Install the required Java JDK and Ant packages at the VM:

     $ sudo apt-get install build-essential default-jdk ant python-dev # or sudo yum install
  3. Untar and compile floodlight:

     $ tar xvzf v0.90.tar.gz
     $ cd floodlight-0.90
     $ ant
  4. Edit the following configuration files in case you want to change the listening ports.

     # ./openmano/scripts/
     # ./openmano/scripts/flow-logback.xml
  5. Run it

     #using the script ...
     $ ./openmano/scripts/ openflow start 
     # it launches floodlight inside a screen. Youy need to have floodlight and openmano from the same parent folder
     # ... or execute manually with
     $ java  -Dlogback.configurationFile=openmano/scripts/flow-logback.xml \
       -jar floodlight-0.90/target/floodlight.jar -cf openmano/scripts/