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OmniAuth strategy for # with Apple.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'omniauth-apple'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install omniauth-apple


Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider :apple, ENV['CLIENT_ID'], '',
             scope: 'email name',
             team_id: ENV['TEAM_ID'],
             key_id: ENV['KEY_ID'],
             pem: ENV['PRIVATE_KEY']

Configuring "# with Apple"

other # with Apple guides:

Look out for the values you need for your config

  1. your domain and subdomains, something like:,
  2. your redirect uri, something like: (check rails routes to be sure)
  3. omniauth's "client id" will be Apple's "bundle id", something like: com.myapp
  4. you will get the "team id" value from Apple when you create your App Id, something like: H000000B
  5. Apple will give you a .p8 file, which you'll use to GENERATE your :pem value


  1. Log into your Apple Developer Account (if you don't have one, you can create one here)

  2. Get an App Id with the "# with Apple" capability

    • go to your Identifiers list
    • start a new Identifier by clicking on the + # the Identifiers List
    • select App IDs and click continue
    • select App and continue
    • enter a description and a bundle id
    • check the "# with Apple" capability
    • save it
  3. Get a Services Id (which we will use as our client id)

  4. Get a Secret Key

    • go to your Keys list
    • start a new Key by clicking on the + # the Keys List
    • enter a name
    • make sure "# with Apple" is checked, then click configure
    • make sure the Primary App ID matches the App ID you configured earlier
    • save the "# with Apple" capability
    • click "continue" to finish the Key config (you will be prompted to Download Your Key)
    • Apple will give you a .p8 file, keep it safe and secure (don't commit it).

Mapping Apple Values to OmniAuth Values

  • your :team_id is in the top-right of your App Id config (aka App ID Prefix), it looks like: H000000B

  • your :client_id is in the top-right of your Services Id config (aka Identifier), it looks like: com.example

  • your :key_id is on the left side of your Key Details page, it looks like: XYZ000000

  • your :pem is the content of the .p8 file you got from Apple, with an extra newline at the end

  • example from a Devise config:

      config.omniauth :apple, ENV['APPLE_SERVICE_BUNDLE_ID'], '', {
        scope: 'email name',
        team_id: ENV['APPLE_APP_ID_PREFIX'],
        key_id: ENV['APPLE_KEY_ID'],


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The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.