These are my Vim files. I created them over the time to suit my needs, so don't expect lots and lots of useless stuff here. 😄
Vim 7.4. Tested on Mac OS X with both MacVim and command-line Vim, but it should work on other environments without problems.
- badwolf - Badwolf colorscheme.
- commentary.vim - Comment code.
- ctrlp.vim - Full path file finder (or Textmate's ⌘T for Vim).
- fugitive.vim - Git integration.
- NERD Tree - File explorer in the form of a tree.
- nginx.vim - Highlights Nginx configuration files.
- Supertab - Auto-complete with <tab>.
- Syntastic - Syntax checking.
- vim-airline - Awesome status line.
- Vundle.vim - The plug-in manager for Vim.
Clone this repo into your home directory:
git clone git:// ~/vimfiles
Go to the cloned repo and then update submodules:
cd ~/vimfiles
git submodule update --init
Link vimrc
for command-line Vim and gvimrc
for MacVim:
ln -s ~/vimfiles/vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/vimfiles/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc
Install all plugins using Vundle.vim (it is normal to see some warnings here):
vim +PluginInstall +qall
Start vim
and enjoy! 🍺
CtrlP is activated by <Leader><space>
. Once it is open, you can use the
following key combinations:
Map | Description |
F5 |
Refresh file list |
Select next mode |
Select previous mode |
Toggle filename only mode |
Toggle regexp mode |
Select previous string from search history |
Select next string from search history |
Open selected file in a new tab |
Open selected file in a horizontal split |
Open selected file in a vertical split |
Mark/unmark multiple files |
Open marked files |
You can run :help ctrlp-mappings
for more information about CtrlP key maps.