Small demo of a unix socket (ipc) client & server for personal learning.
This demo shows how one can communicate between two elixir processes (a client & a server) using unix sockets.
Either the client or the server could be swapped out for another program in any programming language that supports unix sockets. This could be a light weight approach to allow bi directional communication between OS processes on the same host, without needing to set up a web server or even a tcp connection.
git clone
cd elixir_ipc
iex -S mix
iex(1)> ElixirIpc.demo
- A pool of node.js echo servers which can be checked out & sentmessages over ipc using
- A pool of python echo servers which can be checked out & sentmessages over ipc using
- A pool of rust echo servers which can be checked out & sentmessages over ipc using
- A pool of golang echo servers which can be checked out & sentmessages over ipc using