- OS X
- Linux
- Install Docker: https://docs.docker.com/installation/
- Verify that docker is working properly by running the hello-world docker container:
docker run hello-world
Classification Task | Detection Task |
With Training (NT1) | With Self-Similarity Matrix and Silence Detection (TVDP1) |
Without Training (NT2) | With Self-Similarity Matrix (TVDP2) |
Without Self-Similarity Matrix (TVDP3) |
The -v host-machine-directory-or-file:container-directory-or-file
docker parameter used in the following commands allows to mount a directory from the host machine to the docker container in order to be able to process its contents in the container. In the same way a directory from the host machine is mounted in the container in order to be able to return the results generated in the container back to the host machine.
Use the following format:
docker run --rm -v /abs/path/to/input/dir:/abs/path/to/input/dir -v /abs/path/to/input/filelist:/abs/path/to/input/filelist -v /abs/path/to/results/dir:/abs/path/to/results/dir nicktgr15/mirex2015 python /opt/mirex2015/mirex2015.py classification-without-training --classification-file-list /abs/path/to/input/filelist --output-dir /abs/path/to/results/dir
If the filelist is located under /var/my/data/filelist.txt and looks like the following:
Then if we want to receive the classification results under the /var/my/results directory, the docker command would be:
docker run --rm -v /var/my/data/:/var/my/data/ -v /var/my/data/filelist.txt:/var/my/data/filelist.txt -v /var/my/results:/var/my/results nicktgr15/mirex2015 python /opt/mirex2015/mirex2015.py classification-without-training --classification-file-list /var/my/data/filelist.txt --output-dir /var/my/results
Use the following format:
docker run --rm -v /abs/path/to/input/dir:/abs/path/to/input/dir -v /abs/path/to/input/training_filelist:/abs/path/to/input/training_filelist -v /abs/path/to/input/classification_filelist:/abs/path/to/input/classification_filelist -v /abs/path/to/results/dir:/abs/path/to/results/dir nicktgr15/mirex2015 python /opt/mirex2015/mirex2015.py classification-with-training --training-file-list /abs/path/to/input/training_filelist --classification-file-list /abs/path/to/input/classification_filelist --output-dir /abs/path/to/results/dir
if the training filelist is located under /var/my/data/training_filelist.txt and has the following contents (tab separated):
/var/my/data/track1.wav m
/var/my/data/track2.wav s
and the classification filelist is located under /var/my/data/classification_filelist.txt and has the following contents:
Then if we want to receive the classification results under the /var/my/results directory, the docker command would be:
docker run --rm -v /var/my/data/:/var/my/data/ -v /var/my/data/training_filelist.txt:/var/my/data/training_filelist.txt -v /var/my/results:/var/my/results nicktgr15/mirex2015 python /opt/mirex2015/mirex2015.py -v /var/my/data/classification_filelist.txt:/var/my/data/classification_filelist.txt classification-with-training --training-file-list /var/my/data/training_filelist.txt --classification-file-list /var/my/data/classification_filelist.txt --output-dir /var/my/results
Use the following format:
docker run --rm -v /abs/path/to/input/wav:/abs/path/to/input/wav -v /abs/path/to/results/dir:/abs/path/to/results/dir nicktgr15/mirex2015 python /opt/mirex2015/mirex2015.py detection-with-matrix-silence-detector --input-file /abs/path/to/input/wav --output-dir /abs/path/to/results/dir
The results will be available under /abs/path/to/results/dir
on the host machine.
docker run --rm -v /abs/path/to/input/wav:/abs/path/to/input/wav -v /abs/path/to/results/dir:/abs/path/to/results/dir nicktgr15/mirex2015 python /opt/mirex2015/mirex2015.py detection-with-matrix-no-silence-detector --input-file /abs/path/to/input/wav --output-dir /abs/path/to/results/dir
The results will be available under /abs/path/to/results/dir
on the host machine.
docker run --rm -v /abs/path/to/input/wav:/abs/path/to/input/wav -v /abs/path/to/results/dir:/abs/path/to/results/dir nicktgr15/mirex2015 python /opt/mirex2015/mirex2015.py detection-without-matrix --input-file /abs/path/to/input/wav --output-dir /abs/path/to/results/dir
The results will be available under /abs/path/to/results/dir
on the host machine.
In OS X there is an issue when trying to attach directories outside the /Users dir. For example attaching host's /tmp directory to the container is not possible.
If the virtualbox VM in which the containers are executed under OS X is running out of resources then you need to remove the existing VM and create a new one with more resources.
docker-machine rm default
docker-machine create --virtualbox-disk-size 40000 -virtualbox-memory 2048 -d virtualbox default
docker-machine ls
docker-machine start default
You may have to set the environment variables for the new VM by running eval "$(docker-machine env default)"