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H2GIS is a spatial extension of the H2 database
engine in the spirit of PostGIS. It adds support for
managing spatial features and operations including (M)Polygon
, (M)LineString
and (M)Point
types, the Open
Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Simple Features
for SQL (SFSQL) functions and
additional spatial functions that we (the Atelier SIG)
Download the latest binary package called h2-dist-###-bin.zip
Unzip and run the jar by clicking on it or using the run.sh.
Find the h2 sql client on https://localhost:8082.
Click on Connect
to open a test database located on your user folder.
To initialize spatial capabilities:
CREATE ALIAS IF NOT EXISTS SPATIAL_INIT FOR "org.h2gis.h2spatialext.CreateSpatialExtension.initSpatialExtension";
You can open a shape file:
CALL FILE_TABLE('/home/user/myshapefile.shp','tablename');
You can then show the content:
select * from tablename;
On regular tables (not shapes) you can add a spatial index (stored on disk):
create table area(idarea int primary key, the_geom geometry);
create spatial index myspatialindex on area(the_geom);
insert into area values(1, 'POLYGON ((-10 109, 90 109, 90 9, -10 9, -10 109))');
insert into area values(2, 'POLYGON ((90 109, 190 109, 190 9, 90 9, 90 109))');
create table roads(idroad int primary key, the_geom geometry);
create spatial index on roads(the_geom);
insert into roads values(1, 'LINESTRING (27.65595463138 -16.728733459357244, 47.61814744801515 40.435727788279806)');
insert into roads values(2, 'LINESTRING (17.674858223062415 55.861058601134246, 55.78449905482046 76.73062381852554)');
The spatial predicate operator &&
for bounding box overlap uses this index:
select idarea, COUNT(idroad) roadscount from area,roads where area.the_geom && roads.the_geom AND ST_Intersects(area.the_geom,roads.the_geom) GROUP BY idarea ORDER BY idarea
One of H2GIS's goals is to provide a common interface to H2 and PostGIS for Geometry data. The spatial-utilities
package provides a DataSource and Connection wrapper in order to facilitate the usage of JDBC with Geometry fields.
When acquiring the DataSource or the Connection, wrap it through SFSUtilities.wrapSpatialDataSource
or SFSUtilities.wrapSpatialConnection
import org.osgi.service.jdbc.DataSourceFactory;
public DataSource getDataSource(DataSourceFactory dataSourceFactory) {
dataSource = SFSUtilities.wrapSpatialDataSource(dataSourceFactory.createDataSource(properties));
Then when you get a ResultSet
through a spatial table you can use the following command:
private void doStuff(Statement st) {
SpatialResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select the_geom from mygeomtable").unWrap(SpatialResultSet.class);
Geometry myGeom = rs.getGeometry("the_geom");
You can define java function in sql.
CREATE ALIAS PRINT AS $$ void print(String s) { System.out.println(s); } $$;