The purpose of this document is to describe in details the steps required to assess the artifact associated to our paper.
This aim is that you are able to:
- Understand how to use our tool so that you can verify your own Go programs.
- Reproduce the data of the benchmarks from Figure 9.
- Reproduce the result of the evaluation from Table 1 and Table 2.
(This tutorial is primarly intended at Linux/MacOs users)
To use Gomela, there are two main requirement:
The first one is Go, which can downloaded here. After running the installation, Go will be installed in your home folder. The second requirement is SPIN. The manual for installation on various OS can be found here.
The third and final requirement is timeout, which is installed natively on linux.
To install timeout on MacOS,
brew install coreutils
To install Gomela you need to run to run a few commands in the terminal by running :
go get && cd ~/go/src/ && go install
- This downloads the Gomela project
- Fetchs all the dependencies and library that it needs to compile.
You then need to compile it by running:
go build
- This command generates an executable called
. Now, we are ready to run Gomela.
- This command generates an executable called
Gomela is a full-scale verification tool that verifies message passing concurrency in Go programs. Gomela takes either the name of a Go's github project or a list of Go files as input and generates Promela models. These models are then fed to SPIN to verify that the models are free of model deadlocks. Gomela also offers the ability to the user to give bounds to the statically unknown communication-related parameters in the models to improve the accuracy of the verification. These parameters are the variables in the program that affects the number of goroutines or the size of channels in the Go program.
To start of we are going to verify a simple concurrent hello world example.
Here is the code:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
ch := make(chan string) // creates a channel
go print(ch, "hello") // spawns a goroutine that will send 'hello' on ch
fmt.Println(<-ch) // prints what is received from ch
go print(ch, "world ") // spawns a goroutine that will send 'world' on ch
fmt.Println(<-ch) // prints what is received from ch
func print(ch chan string, toSend string) {
ch <- toSend // send the value of toSend on ch
To verify this example, create a file called "hello.go" and paste the code above
in it. Place this file in a newly created folder ./source
by running:
mkdir source && mv hello.go source
.- The name of the folder (
in this case) does not matter.
- The name of the folder (
When this steps is done, to generate promela models from the Go source and to verify them using SPIN run :
./gomela fs ./source
The output of the command line should be:
Result for main_main.pml
Number of states : 29
Time to verify model : 0 ms
Send on close safety error : false.
Close safety error : false.
Negative counter safety error : false.
Double unlock error : false.
Model deadlock : false.
Panic reached : false.
This tells you that there is neither a safety or a model deadlock in the model.
This also means that there are no safety errors or model deadlocks in the Go
source file source/hello.go
If we tweak the code to introduce a model deadlock by removing one or both of
the receives on line 10 and 14 and rerun the command ./gomela fs ./source
The output of the command line should be :
Result for main_main.pml
Number of states : 9
Time to verify model : 0 ms
Send on close safety error : false.
Close safety error : false.
Negative counter safety error : false.
Double unlock error : false.
Model deadlock : true.
Panic reached : false.
This tells you that a model deadlock was found in the model main_main.pml. This
file is named from the concatenation of the name of the package and the name of
the function being modelled. The extension of the file .pml
is used to
specify that it is a Promela file. In the code above, we have specified that the
name of the package was test and the name of the function is main hence
The function Preload
from the paper in Fig. 1 can be found in examples/preload_simplifed.go.
This function contains a deadlock when 0<runtime.NumCPU() and 0<n<|trees|−1
To verify that the function indeed contains a deadlock, we need to first generate a model:
./gomela fs examples/preload
This creates a folder ./result_current_date
which contains the Promela model genarated in ./results_current_data/preload/main++preload8.pml
. (make sure to replace "current_date" with the corresponding date at which the results folder was
If we look inside the model by running
cat result_current_date/preload/main++preload8.pml
we can see that at line 7, 8 and 9, variable var_n8, preload_runtime_NumCPU__, var_trees8 which refers to variable n, runtime.NumCPU() and trees respectively in the original program and needs to be given a proper value because they are mandatory variable.
These value can be given as argument when verifying the model. By given them as arguments of the verify command in the order they appear in the model.
To verify, the model where n = 1, runtime.NumCPU = 2 and trees = 3, run:
./gomela verify result_current_date/preload/main++preload8.pml 1 2 3
The output should be similar to
Result for result2021-07-13--16:06:46/preload/main++preload8.pml
Number of states : 117
Time to verify model : 4537 ms
Send on close safety error : false.
Close safety error : false.
Negative counter safety error : false.
Double unlock error : false.
Model deadlock : true.
Panic reached : false.
which states that Gomela has found a model deadlock in the model.
To verify a github project:
``` ./gomela fs s author/project_name``
Ie. to verify golang/go
./gomela fs s golang/go
The result of the verification will be printed to the terminal as it running.
However, all the results of the verification can be found in ./results_current_date/verification.csv
which reports all the results of the verification of each model extracted from the project.
There is one line per verification. A line is composed of:
- Column 1: The name of the model
- Column 2: Whether the verification contained any valued optional parameter (1 if it did, 0 otherwise)
- Column 3: The number of states in the model
- Column 4: The time taken to verify the model
- Column 5: If a send on close error was found
- Column 6: If a close safety error was found
- Column 7: If a negative counter error was found
- Column 8: If a double lock safety error was found
- Column 9: If a panic(...) can be reached
- Column 10: If a model deadlock was found
- Column 11: If there was any error, it would appear here
- Column 12: The number of communication parameter in the model
- Column 13: The number of optional parameter in the model
- Column 14: The name of the communication parameter and their assigned values
- Column 15: The github link of the original program if it was on github
To apply Gomela on all benchmarks in the paper simply run:
./gomela fs benchmarks
which will output all the results of the verification.
Those information can also be found in results_current_date/verification.csv
which reports all the results of the verification of each benchmark.
The list of projects (along with their commit) can be found in ./commits.csv
To automate the verification of the 99 github projects, run:
./gomela fs l commits.csv
This will go through each project in ./commits.csv
, generate all the Promela models and
verify them.
Gomela can also parse the results of the verification to extract:
- The 5 stats for the number of models generated per project
- The 5 stats for the number of models generated per package
- The 5 stats for the number of communication parameters per model
- The 5 stats of the time taken to verify each project, model and valuation
It can also calculate the 5 stats for the results of all verification or only for valuation that resulted in a strictly positive score:
- The 5 stats for the model deadlock found
- The 5 stats for the channel safety errors found
- The 5 stats for the waitgroup safety errors found
- The 5 stats for the mutex safety errors found
- The 5 stats for the panic reached safety errors found
To get these run:
./gomela full_stats result_current_date/log.csv commits.csv result_current_date/verification.csv
FindAll is a function that is found in an open source project called gops which is a command line tool to diagnose
Go processes. This function contains a bug only when a specific criteria is met.
When the number of pss
in the code is bigger than
, the send at line 42 will block when the capacity of
the channel is reached causing a model deadlock.
To verify this function, we will place the code from line 29 - 74 in a folder
called source
and invoke ./gomela ./source -v
. Gomela will automatically
generate the Promela model and verify it. The promela model generated can be
found here Gomela will generate a model for every function in the program that does not
take a channel as a parameter. In this case, there is only one function that
does not take at least one channel as a parameter and its FindAll
. So only
one model will be generated.
As opposed to concurrencyProcesses
, the value of pss
(defined at
line 31) in the source code cannot be determined at compile time. As a
result, Gomela gives pss
a default value of 5 to make the model
executable. In this particular example, the default value turns out to be
less than concurrencyProcesses
and, therefore, SPIN reports that the
model generated does not result in any model deadlocks. However, if we want
to verify the model with a different value for pss
, we can specify to
Gomela to give a different value to pss
by passing a special flag. If
we invoke Gomela, with this command ./gomela verify result_current_date/source/main++findall5 11
. The value of pss will now be
11 and Gomela will reports that there is a model deadlock in the model.
To understand how Gomela generates Promela models from Go code, here is an
explaination of the model generated by Gomela when invoking ./gomela fs source
with the Go code from FindAll.
The Promela code can be found here
// /Users/***/go/src/
typedef Chandef {
chan sync = [0] of {int};
chan async_send = [0] of {int};
chan async_rcv = [0] of {int};
chan sending = [0] of {int};
chan closing = [0] of {bool};
chan is_closed = [0] of {bool};
int size = 0;
int num_msgs = 0;
typedef Wgdef {
chan Add = [0] of {int};
chan Wait = [0] of {int};
int Counter = 0;}
The first line shows the location of the original Go program.The typedef Chandef
is the definition of the channel representation's Gomela uses to
model Go's buffered and unbuffered channel. The typedef Wgdef
the structure that is used to model sync.WaitGroup in Promela.
This is followed by the definition of the init
process which contains
the Promela translation of the body of the function FindAll
Chandef found;
bool state = false;
int pss = 5;
Wgdef wg;
Chandef limitCh;
int i;
The Chandef
declaration found
and limitCh
are the Promela
channel that represent the Go channel found here and here.
The Wgdef
declaration wg
is the Promela WaitGroup that model the
sync.WaitGroup initialiased here.
and i
are place holder variables used to hold the value
received from a channel and to uses as the index of for
loops respectively.
:: true ->
goto stop_process
:: true;
After that, the call ps.Processes()
is ignored because it does not take a
channel as a parameter. This means that it won't impact the communication of the
model unless the call itself is blocking. In that case it is ok because the
function will be verify seperatly if its definition is given.
statements in Go are translated as a non-deterministic choice between
the two branches. So in this case, from line 8 - 10 in the Go program, the
statement is translated into a non-deterministic choice between
returning and continuing with the rest of the function's body. the return
statement is translated as a goto
statement which points to the end of the
body of the function.
run wgMonitor(wg);
run sync_monitor(found);
:: 10 > 0 ->
limitCh.size = 10;
run emptyChan(limitCh)
:: else ->
run sync_monitor(limitCh)
After that, the model spawns a monitor for the WaitGroup to monitor and manage
the state of the sync.WaitGroup. The next line models the sync.Waitgroup.Add(x)
which add x to the counter of the WaitGroup by sending that value over the
channel Add. That value is then receive on line 104, added to the counter on
line 105 and a check is done on line 106 to verify that the counter is not
smaller that 0 using the assert
statement in Promela.
To monitor the states of the channels in Promela, we use different monitors which varies according to the number of messages that the channel contains, if the channel is closed or not and if it is synchronous or not.
A sync_monitor
is spawned to monitor the channel found
is used to monitor synchronous channel.
This is followed by an if
statement which spawns a monitor for an
asynchronous channel if the size of the channel limitCh
is bigger than 0
or a synchronous channel if its not. Since the size of limitCh
in the
source code is a constant, the actual value of the constant is given.
is used to monitor an empty asynchronous channel.
for(i : 1.. pss) {
:: limitCh.async_send!0;
:: limitCh.sync!0 ->
run Anonymous0(found,limitCh,wg)
Finally, the range
statement which range over each element in pss
and spawns an anonymous function after sending to limitCh. Since the number of
threads in a Promela model needs to be known at compile time, the value of
needs to be known. Therefore, pss
is a communication parameter.
To verify the model with a different value for pss
, change the value given
at line 23.
Send and receive statements are translated as a choice between sending or receiving on an async channel and on a sync channel. This is because as stated above the size of a channel affects which monitors will be assigned to it. Sending or receiving on both channel allows to account for both options.
The rest of the models is translated similarly to what has been explained above.
To verify the benchmarks:
- Run
git clone && cd gomela && go install && go build
- Run
./gomela fs benchmarks
To verify a list of projects:
- Create a .txt file containing all the github projects that you want to verify with each project name (in the form "creator/project_name") on a seperate line. (see projects.txt)
- Run
./gomela fs l projects.txt
- The results of the survey (log.html and log.csv) will be contained in ./results with a folder per project containing the Promela models.
To verify a single github repository:
- Run
./gomela fs s creator/project_name -r
ie../gomela fs s nicolasdilley/Gomela -r
will verify this project. - The result of the survey will be in
and the Promela models under./results_current_date/project_name/\*.pml