A simple Clojure wrapper for the ROME feed parsing and manipulation library. Right now only the wrapper for feed parsing is implemented.
;; build-feed will automaticaly dispatch on an xml string, a filepath or an url
;; returns a SyndFeedImpl object
(def feed (build-feed "test/clj_rome/test/feeds/lacuisinededoria.xml"))
;; get-entries returns a vector of SyndEntryImpl
(def title (get-entry-title (first (get-entries feed))))
;; entry2map turns SyndEntryImpl into a map with the most
;; generally useful fields
(def same-title (:title (entry2map (first (get-entries feed)))))
;; contains :contents :authors :title :link :description :categories :updated-date :published-date
;; the dates are in clj-time format
For more documentation on ROME, see the ROME javadocs.
Copyright (C) 2011 Nils Grunwald
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.