Releases: nicymike/serflings
Serflings 2.1.1
[EN] There is a new version available for Serflings:
- #110 The type of calculation for the automatic paths can now be switched in settings between short and fast. The default setting is: Short
- The calculation for the automatic paths has been fixed and optimized to always find the optimal route
- The random numbers will now also be rotated while playing a game to add more variations in gameplay. This especially makes sure the computer players act more like they do in the original game and are less aggressive
- The button for exit in the main menu has been replaced by the matching button when you exit a running game
- Invalid or blocked positions of the working radius will now be marked with a different color to clarify exactly where a settler will work
- Fixed working radius for some buildings
- #133 Fixed multiple Bugs from the original game regarding stocks: The stock will no longer become stuck if settlers are moved out before the worker has arrived. Stocks that are stuck in existing games will repair themselves by requesting a new worker.
- #113 Fixed background size in statistics of goods production
- The game data file for french (SPAF.PA) will now also be considered while searching for game data files
- The setting [Special Click for Special Functions] in the options window for controls will now be disabled again on reset
- The setting for fast map click is now disabled by default
- Beating a mission will now be saved correctly into game state
- Bread and ham are now counted correctly for training 3 as goals
- Fixed animations: Lumberjack and quarrymen no longer loose their helmet while working
- Only in PREVIEW mode: Map sizes till 11 are now possible - Warning: The game will not run stable with map sizes bigger than 8
- Only in PREVIEW mode: #88 Plain games with computer players are now possible - Warning: Player change not possible and also the controls for the player is not yet disabled
[DE] Es gibt eine neue Version von Serflings:
- #110 Die Art der Berechnung für die automatische Wege lässt sich jetzt einstellen zwischen Kurz und Schnell. Die Standardeinstellung ist: Kurz
- Die Berechnung für die automatischen Wege wurde korrigiert und optimiert um immer die optimale Route zu finden
- Die Zufallszahlen werden jetzt auch während des laufenden Spiels rotiert um den Spielablauf dynamischer werden zu lassen. Dies sorgt vor allem dafür, dass die Computergegner sich mehr wie im Original verhalten und weniger aggressiv sind
- Der Knopf für das Beenden im Hauptmenü wurde durch den passenden Knopf ersetzt für das Beenden eines laufenden Spiels
- Ungültige oder blockierte Positionen des Arbeitsradius werden jetzt markiert um zu verdeutlichen wo ein Siedler genau arbeiten kann
- Korrektur des Arbeitsradius für einige Gebäude
- #133 Mehrere Fehler aus dem Original bezüglich des Lagers behoben: Das Lager wird nicht mehr blockiert, wenn Siedler ausgelagert werden bevor der Arbeiter angekommen ist. Blockierte Lager in bestehenden Spielen reparieren sich selbst indem ein neuer Arbeiter angefordert wird.
- #113 Korrektur der Größe des Hintergrunds in den Statistiken für die Warenproduktion
- Die Spieldatei für Französisch (SPAF.PA) wird jetzt auch bei der Suche nach Spieldateien berücksichtigt
- Die Einstellung [Spezialklick für Sonderfunktionen] in den Einstellungen wird jetzt beim Reset wieder deaktiviert
- Der schnelle Kartenklick ist jetzt standardmäßig deaktiviert
- Das Gewinnen einer Missionen wird jetzt korrekt im Spielstatus gespeichert
- Brot und Schinken werden jetzt korrekt als Ziele für Training 3 gezählt
- Korrektur Animationen: Holzfäller und Steinmetz verlieren jetzt nicht mehr beim Arbeiten ihren Helm
- Nur im PREVIEW-Modus: Kartengrößen bis 11 sind jetzt möglich - Achtung: Das Spiel läuft mit Karten größer als 8 nicht stabil
- Nur im PREVIEW-Modus: #88 Reine Computerspiele sind jetzt möglich - Achtung: Kein Wechsel des Spielers möglich und die Steuerung des Spielers ist noch nicht abgeschaltet
Serflings 2.0.0
[EN] There is a new version available for Serflings:
Welcome to version 2 of Serflings. The game needs Java 17 from now on and will bring some fixes, improvements and new functions. The most important ones are: Auto path build including a preview function and the working radius of buildings will now be displayed
- The game now runs with Java 17 only, which means higher performance and less usage of resources and which enables the usage of more modern technologies in the future
- Many concurrent sounds are no longer causing lags
- After a mute of the game music, it will now resume playing from the last known position (as long as the game is still running)
- Changing the volume no longer resets music playback
- After starting or loading a game the random numbers will now be rotated to prevent identical games
- #86 Fixed a bug from the original game: Settlers without profession are no longer stuck in the castle, if the number of current castle guards is less than set
- Demolition with key 2 does work now even with additional special click enabled
- All plus keys on the english keyboard may now be used to increase game speed
- #54 There is now an automatic pathfinding included which allows to create longer paths with just one click. This option can be disabled in the options window
- While building a path, a preview will now indicate the possible path. This option can be disabled in the options window
- For all buildings, which gather raw materials outside, the working radius will now be displayed. This option can be disabled in the options window
- The window for options is now bigger to increase readability
- The next message may now be opened with TAB key
- Building a path will now be canceled if a message with position change has been opened
- The window for ground analysis has been reworked and will now show the data as they are in the original game
- When opening the window for ground analysis the cursor will now be moved to the center of the analysis
- The build possibilities have been fixed and do now match with the original game. For example it is no longer possible to build a building straight above water
- Small fixes have been made to the calculations of actions for computer players and settlers to ensure they do match better with the original game and to prevent errors after loading a game
- #107 The name of saved games are now stored uppercase in ARCHIVE.DS to fix reading them in the original game
- The parameter --enable-preview does now activate the preview mode which is needed to use all features tagged with PREVIEW
- PREVIEW: Map sizes till 11 are now possible - Warning: The game will not run stable with map sizes bigger than 8
[DE] Es gibt eine neue Version von Serflings:
Willkommen zur Version 2 von Serflings. Das Spiel benötigt ab jetzt Java 17 und bringt einige Korrekturen, Verbesserungen und neue Funktionen mit. Die wichtigsten Neuerungen sind: Automatischer Wegebau mit Vorschaufunktion und die Anzeige des Arbeitsradius
- Das Spiel läuft jetzt nur noch mit Java 17, was mehr Leistung und weniger Ressourcenverbrauch bedeutet und modernere Technologien für die Zukunft ermöglicht
- Viele gleichzeitige Sounds sorgen jetzt nicht mehr dafür, dass das Spiel hängen bleibt
- Nach einer Stummschaltung der Musik wird das Abspielen jetzt an der letzten Position fortgesetzt (so lange das Spiel noch läuft)
- Das Ändern der Lautstärke setzt die Musik jetzt nicht mehr zurück
- Nach dem Starten oder Laden eines Spiels werden die Zufallszahlen jetzt rotiert um identische Spiele zu vermeiden
- #86 Fehler aus dem Original behoben: Im Schloss werden die Siedler ohne Beruf jetzt nicht mehr blockiert, wenn die Anzahl der Schlosswachen geringer ist als eingestellt
- Der Abriss mit Taste 2 funktioniert jetzt auch, wenn der zusätzliche Spezialklick aktiviert ist
- Alle Plus-Tasten auf der englischen Tastatur lassen sich jetzt verwenden um die Spielgeschwindigkeit zu erhöhen
- #54 Es gibt jetzt eine automatische Wegfindung beim Bau, mit der man längere Wege mit nur einem Klick erstellen kann. Diese Funktion lässt sich in den Optionen abschalten
- Beim Bauen von Wegen wird jetzt eine Vorschau des möglichen Wegs angezeigt. Diese Funktion lässt sich in den Optionen abschalten
- Bei Gebäuden, die außerhalb Rohstoffe sammeln, wird jetzt der Arbeitsradius angezeigt. Diese Funktion lässt sich in den Optionen abschalten
- Das Fenster für die Optionen wurde vergrößert um die Lesbarkeit zu erhöhen
- Mit der Taste TAB lässt sich jetzt die nächste Nachricht öffnen
- Der Wegebau wird jetzt abgebrochen, wenn man eine Nachricht öffnet, die die Position verändert
- Das Fenster der Bodenproben wurde überarbeitet und zeigt jetzt die Daten wie im Original an
- Beim Öffnen des Fensters der Bodenproben wird der Cursor jetzt auf das Zentrum der Analyse versetzt
- Die Baumöglichkeiten wurden korrigiert und an das Original angepasst. Direkt über Wasser darf zum Beispiel kein Gebäude mehr stehen
- Kleinere Korrekturen bei der Berechnung der Aktionen des Computergegners und der Siedler gemacht um ein besseres Übereinstimmen mit dem Original zu erreichen und Fehler nach dem Laden eines Spiels zu vermeiden
- #107 Die Name der Speicherstände in ARCHIVE.DS werden jetzt groß geschrieben damit das Originalspiel sie korrekt lesen kann
- Mit dem Parameter --enable-preview lässt sich jetzt der Vorschaumodus aktivieren, der nötig ist um die Funktionen mit dem Zusatz PREVIEW verwenden zu können
- PREVIEW: Kartengrößen bis 11 sind jetzt möglich - Achtung: Das Spiel läuft mit Karten größer als 8 nicht stabil
Serflings 1.2.2
[EN] There is a new version available for Serflings:
Very important: Version 1 will be the last version that runs with Java 8. From version 2 on at least Java 17 is required.
- Fixed version check when starting a network game to ensure that the version is equal
[DE] Es gibt eine neue Version von Serflings:
Ganz wichtig: Version 1 wird die letzte Version sein, die mit Java 8 lauffähig ist. Ab Version 2 wird mindestens Java 17 benötigt.
- Korrektur der Versionsprüfung beim Start eines Netzwerkspiels um sicherzustellen, dass die Version gleich ist
Serflings 1.2.0
[EN] There is a new version available for Serflings:
Very important: Version 1 will be the last version that runs with Java 8. From version 2 on at least Java 17 is required.
- Version 1 may now be started with Java 11 or 17. However, the sound may not work correctly
- Do you love details? Check out the new zoom function using the mouse wheel
- #45 The statistics for production of goods will now be displayed with the correct values and correct colors
- The default values for audio volume have been changed (sound=80%, music=80%, main=40%)
- The xml config used before version 0.24.0 is no longer supported
- Fixed a bug from the original game: Existing smelters (or steel workers) inside a stock will now be considered for sending if being requested
- Fixed a bug from the original game: The settings for stock management will now also be set correctly if they were changed before the settler for stock management has arrived
[DE] Es gibt eine neue Version von Serflings:
Ganz wichtig: Version 1 wird die letzte Version sein, die mit Java 8 lauffähig ist. Ab Version 2 wird mindestens Java 17 benötigt.
- Version 1 lässt sich jetzt auch unter Java 11 oder 17 starten. Die Sounds funktionieren dann aber eventuell nicht korrekt
- Du liebst Details? Dann teste die neue Zoom-Funktion mit dem Mausrad
- #45 Die Produktionsstatistik für die Waren wird jetzt mit den korrekten Werten und korrekten Farben angezeigt
- Die Standardwerte für die Lautstärken wurden angepasst (Effekte=80%, Musik=80%, Gesamt=40%)
- Die XML-Konfiguration vor Version 0.24.0 wird jetzt nicht mehr unterstützt
- Fehler aus dem Original behoben: Vorhandene Schmelzer im Lager werden jetzt berücksichtigt, wenn angefragt
- Fehler aus dem Original behoben: Die Einstellungen zur Lagerverwaltung werden jetzt auch dann korrekt gesetzt, wenn sie gesetzt wurden bevor der Siedler zur Lagerverwaltung eintrifft
Serflings 1.1.1
There is a new version available for Serflings:
- #73 Fixed a potential crash on opening the window for building information
Serflings 1.1.0
There is a new version available for Serflings:
The first update after version 1 brings, in addition to many minor improvements and fixes, new information for stocks about transport, a map window that has been completely reworked and the possibility to load a team game to play over network. Very important: Version 1.1 will be the last version that runs with Java 8. From version 1.2 on at least Java 11 is required.
- Load a game with only one player in multiplayer mode and play a team game
- The window for castle or stocks does now display additional information about transport. This can be disabled in the options
- #49 The map window has been completely reworked and adjusted with the original game. This finally fixes many of the display errors
- The building selection for the map window may now be opened with a special click on the button for the buildings
- The landscape inside the map window will now be updated if the height has been changed by digging (does not happen in the original game)
- Inactive carriers will now block a possible construction site to prevent a possible crash
- #23 Stocks, that are stuck because of an error with the outgoing queue, will now be fixed on loading a game
- Fixed crash if no device for audio was found
- Computer players: Optimized priorities for building to better match the original game
- Optimized description for first win condition: The score of all players do count
- Fixed an error that also exists in the original game where the number of settlers without profession may not reflect the actual number of settlers of this type in the stock
- Fixed a crash for older savegames if a castle is beeing destroyed
- Improved the internal handling of settlers to improve performance
- The special click (mouse left+right) may now be executed by using the middle mouse button
- The build possibility on the currently selected position will now be updated reliably also while the game is paused
- Fixed an error that may lead to lost settlers getting stuck on big maps
- Fixed flag search for lost settlers that did not always find the closest flag
- Windows for saving/loading: The process of saving or loading may now be started directly by performing a double click on the slot
- The sound for new messages will again be played reliable on new messages
- The icon for new messages will now blink independently of the game speed
- #65 Network game: Read messages will now be updated accross the network to prevent old messages to appear again after saving and loading
- #51 The flag window will no longer be closed if the request for a geologist failed
- The visual time for the arrow after opening a new message has been increased to match the original game
- Network game: Creating a new timer will now be transfered to other players
- Timers for a map position will now be created for the currently displayed position and no longer for the selected one (as it is in the original game)
- Creating a timer with a window open will now be prevented because it is not yet implemented to create a timer for menus or buildings
- Updates for the french translation (Many thanks to Human Ktulu for the translation)
- Fixed display when using a resolution with odd pixels in VGA mode
- Bonus: Rudimentary display of working ranges with F3 - don't beg for more ;)
Serflings 1.0.2
There is a new version available for Serflings:
- Computer players: Fixed aggression - the frequency of attacks is now back to normal
- Computer players: Fixed priority for placing new flags
- Fixed a possible crash if a knight is beeing attacked while leaving a stock and the target building has already been conquered
- Fixed an error that also exists in the original game where knights may disappear after an battle on open ground
- #62 Fixed a possible crash on closing a window
- Optimized text position in windows (center)
- Fixed black background in window for joining a network game
- Included missing fields into the savegame to prevent games running differently after a load compared to not beeing saved at all (also happens in the original game)
- New internal information about the game tick
- Internal information may now be toggled between base and extended data
Serflings 1.0.1
There is a new version available for Serflings:
- Fixed a crash that could happen if you activate additional computer players for a network game
- #59 Fixed size of screenshot if running in fullscreen mode
- Changed text while waiting for second player after creating a network game to make it clear that second player needs a direct connection
- Optimized sound processing to reduce short lags if too many sounds are playing
- #60 Fixed a potential crash on splitting a path with more than one carrier
Serflings 1.0.0
There is a new version available for Serflings:
The time has come! After a few years of working I can finally say: Serflings is ready for version 1! All main functions of the original game are available and I was even able to add some extensions. Despite this big step, it does not end here. The network feature calls for an update and I have many more ideas to expand the game. But first I would like to thank all the people who did help and test the game for making this version possible - and of course I like to thank you players for giving me the motivation to carry on with this project. Enjoy playing the game!
- A long-awaited function is now available: Existing flags may now be linked to a path via the window for flag information
- The emergency mode is now available. Don't be afraid of too little building materials at the beginning of the game
- The birds are back - listen to their sound
- It is now possible to set the number of computer players and the map size when creating a network game
- The game does now remember missions you have won and will display the next mission to win in the main menu. There might be a little surprise if you manage to beat all 30 missions ;)
- #15 Settlers walking on paths do now search for a diffent path if one dirction is blocked
- The setting patchAI has been removed from the settings file because it should be included again later as a game rule
- Messages will now be stored in saved games
- Added messages for save reminder (30min/60min with default game speed)
- The game now requests a confirm on exit if the game has not been saved for some time
- #40 The guards of the castle will now be swapped with lower grades if there are more knights inside the stock (as it is done in the original game)
- Idle carriers or ferrymen will now be displayed in the correct player color if the border has been moved
- Optimized priority of stonecutter for computer players if a stone mine has been built
- Adaptation to the original game: Settlers beeing lost do only go inside a stock or the castle if at least one path is connected
- Computer players do now demolish a mine right after the message arrives about an empty mine and not only while checking for resources
- Computer players do now try to connect a conquered building with a path right after they conquered it
- Windows which relate to a map position will now be closed if the map position changes
- Maximum game speed raised to 64! Do you like speed?
- If you want to demolish a military building, the game now searches for enemy knights around
- #41 The cursor on an existing building will now display the type of building you may build there if you demolish the existing building
- #10 Settlers beeing lost will now try to stay inside their own borders to find a stock or the castle
- #43 Fixed calculation of motivation for knights on maps with little or no gold
- Fixed calculation of win conditions for missions
- Fixed and verified the code for fights to fix errors on displaying fights and to ensure compatibility with savegames from the original game
- Fixed calculation of game speed to match with the original game
- Fixed processing of sounds, especially on higher game speed
- Fixed the speed for reproduction of fish
- Fixed potential wrong display of trees while beeing cut down
- Fixed a crash for older savegames if a castle is beeing destroyed
- The game no longer crashes in the window of player pictures when there are less than four players in the game
- Fixed a potential crash on computer players preparing an attack
- Fixed rate of distribution for settlers without profession to stocks which have no settlers without profession
- Fixed management for goods with more than six stocks
- #47 Statistics of buildings: Fixed numbers above 9 with buildings in progress
- #46 Fixed Player images in statistics window: Default color if empty and color across whole width
- The keys for video mode (v), sound (s) and music (m) have been reintegrated for now
- #20, #16, #11 Some parts of the code have completely been rewritten and verified with the original game (settler, building, stock and map processing)
Serflings 0.26.0
There is a new version available for Serflings:
This version finally has the options window integrated which means you no longer have to struggle with the config file. Because it is now possible to change the options inside the game, some keys have been removed for video and audio control. Second big change is the complete revision of the flag processing. Therefore the game now searches for a different path if a flag is jammed. Besides other fixes in this version there is also a surprise hidden inside the information window for mines.
- The long awaited options window is there - it is time to choose your favourite settings
- #52 The game now searches for different paths if flags are jammed - say goodbye to carriers who only watch while their colleagues are working
- The food types fish and bread will now be shown as separate types in mines. You may disable this feature in the options window
- Message regarding lost of buildings: The image of the enemy does no longer stick out of the message window
- The action buttons at the bottom are now disabled, if an exclusive window is currently displayed
- Fixed a potential crash with unneeded building materials on construction sites
- #16 Knight exchange will no longer be stuck at sending knights back to stock
- New settlers will now be created reliable even on big maps
- Some more values have been added to internal information which can be displayed with F3
- Removed keys for video mode (v), sound (s) and music (m) because the settings are now included in options window
- The default main volume is now 50% on first start
- The background music does no longer play with full volume for a short time on stop
- Fixed a potential crash on high resolutions
- Some parts of the code have completely been rewritten and verified with the original game (knight exchange, calculation of maximum settlers per players, flag processing)