( DecAyiNg Taus frOm Neutrinos )
Danton is a Python package designed specifically for the sampling of tau decays from ultra-high energy neutrinos interacting with the Earth's surface. It is capable of running in forward or backward Monte Carlo, and can also be configured to sample tau fluxes instead of decay densities, or to sample transmitted neutrino fluxes.
The interface has been designed with simplicity in mind. That is, Monte Carlo
particles are injected into the simulation geometry as a numpy.ndarray
, and
s of Monte Carlo states are returned. This basic workflow is
illustrated below,
import danton
simulation = danton.Simulation()
particles = danton.particles(10000, energy=1E+09, elevation=1.0)
result = simulation.run(particles)
The Danton source is distributed under the GNU LGPLv3 license. See the provided LICENSE and COPYING.LESSER files.