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Tri 2: Tech Talk Week 7: Graphing, Simulations, Snake

suneelanaidu edited this page May 11, 2022 · 1 revision

The graphing program demonstrates the use of Random function and Recursion. It uses the HTML Canvas tag, creates a graph on the canvas and draws 50 random sized squares recursively at random co-ordinates, starting at the center (0,0).


Conway's game of life

Conway's game of life is a simulation invented by the mathematician John Conway to model how cells grow and die.

Short Video on the Game of Life.

game of life


  • Pixel Art Drawing
    • Maybe use local storage to save the pixel art so the user can come back and work on it

Snake Game

Food is placed at random locations. Snake moves automatically, use arrow keys to change the direction of the snake.

  • Choose settings for the speed of snake
  • Choose from the wall on/off options
  • Scores updated instantly
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