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TableInfo: anatomy.tsv

abradyIGS edited this page Sep 3, 2021 · 16 revisions

This table must not be manually created. Users should skip this (and all other controlled vocabulary term tables) when preparing the rest of their datapackage's TSV files for submission. Once the other tables are built, users should then use the CFDE term-table builder script to automatically build this table (and the other term tables) from the information stored in the other already-completed table files.

The anatomy.tsv table will have as many rows as the number of unique UBERON terms appearing in the anatomy column of biosample.tsv.

Field Field Description Required? Attributes Extra Info
id An UBERON term Required Value must be a valid UBERON term UBERON lookup service
Example valid UBERON terms:
name A short, human-readable, machine-read-friendly label for this UBERON term Required Value type is string
description A human-readable description of this UBERON term Optional Value type is string
synonyms A list of synonyms for this term as identified by the UBERON metadata Optional Value type is JSON array of strings provide empty JSON array [] if value is null
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