Version 5.2
Consolidated the GameCenterManager for iOS and OS X classes into one class. Improved Singleton. 64-bit compatible. Bug fixes and enhancements. Documentation improvements.
Breaking Changes
- Combined the GameCenterManager classes for Mac and iOS and combined them into one single class.
- Deprecated delegate methods with new (better) names and parameters. Now some delegates pass actual GKScore and GKAchievement objects instead of NSDictionaries with those objects.
- Moved project files around for better organization.
Other Changes
- Improved Singleton - now uses GCD dispatch once to properly setup. Improved setup.
- 64-bit compatible - added arm64 architecture to the build settings and updated the encryption files for 64-bit
- Documentation improvements - added more extensive documentation for all methods and properties. Now documentation can be viewed with Xcode 5.0's built-in documentation viewer / Quick Help features.
- Bug fixes and enhancements
- New properties
Known Issues
No Known Issues