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Nikhil Akki edited this page Sep 8, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Wiki page!

Goals of this project -

Web framework perspective -

  1. Bring the ease of creating apps/components like full feature web frameworks - Django, Angular etc.
  2. CLI interface to generate components / skafolding
  3. Taking inspiration from Django's Admin UI, we aim to achieve similar functionality with ReactJS as the view layer
  4. Follow security & auth best practices
  5. 100% Test coverage
  6. Worker-Queue integration with Celery & Redis/RabbitMQ for long running tasks (planned)

Packaging & Deployment -

  1. Containerized & Production ready from the getgo, never worry about how to get your FastAPI app to production
  2. K8s integration with infra provisioning scripts/recipes implemented using Terraform
  3. CI/CD recipes
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