Chrome extension for graders to auto fill with a grading signature and greeting
- Download or clone this repo (If you download the zip you will need to unzip the file)
- In Chrome go to chrome://extensions/
- Turn on developer mode
- Click on
load unpacked
and browse to the extension files that you cloned or downloaded - Thats it!
- To refresh the page (when you pull from the repo or make changes) you can click on the refresh icon.
- Open the options by clicking on the chrome extension icon.
- Enter your name and the program you're grading.
- Go to any submission that you've claimed from the grading queue and the snippet will be added on page load. It will automatically adapt to the program you selected.
- Changing the program while grading will automatically re-populate the text field, this is useful to avoid refreshing the page, but be careful as it will override anything you wrote before.
- You can also customize the intro message from the default to your own.