Pre-release of version2
Pre-releaseThis is pre-release of version 2 which adds de-novo TFBS inference based on modified algorithm of Sahota and Stormo (DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq501). Current implementation is very rough and without documentation, but the basic functionality is here.
Proper operation of version 2 requires fully working MEME Suite installation on the user system (necessary for generation of html output). The path in the Settings window should point to the system version of meme (rather than the one included in the distribution).
The binaries included are for OS X and 64 bit Linux. There won't be 32 bit Linux version. We'll think about Windows version later in the development.
All features of version 1 are retained with only minor bug fixes and modifications demanded by the switch of NCBI and EBI servers to the https protocol.