App for managing your fantasy characters
Ruby on Rails application written for acceptence to an internship at Rendered Text.
It supports user registration and creating using Devise.
Each user can have their fantasy characters.
Each fantasy character has their own title, description and picture. There are also character attributes which have title, value and a picture that a user can upload.
All of the models and controllers are covered with RSpec tests at spec
directory. Test scenarios are written in Cucumber and are held inside
You can have your characters fight in a simulated combat. Result of the combat will be the mix of their attributes and a bit of luck ⚔️
Clone this repository with:
git clone
Run Rails server from inside cloned repo:
bundle exec rails server
Visit the app in your browser
Thanks for reading, if you have any question feel free to ask.
If you like the project or find it helpful, give it some ⭐ and ❤️. Pull requests and contributions are welcome.
Happy coding!