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Failed to connect to Unreal Engine [Troubleshooting]

Nils Söderman edited this page Feb 3, 2024 · 11 revisions

Timed out while trying to connect to Unreal Engine.


Troubleshooting steps:

  • Make sure the Unreal Engine plugin "Python Editor Script Plugin" is enabled:


  • Make sure the Unreal Engine project setting "Enable Remote Execution?" is ticked:


  • Open up the VS Code settings for the "Unreal Engine Python" extension, and make sure the following settings match with the Python project settings in Unreal:

    • "Multicast Group Endpoint" (ue-python.remote.multicastGroupEndpoint)
    • "Multicast Bind Address" (ue-python.remote.multicastBindAddress)


  • The "Multicast Group Endpoint" port 6766 might be unavailable, try to change it to e.g. 6767 or 6768 (or any other port number). This must be changed both in Unreal Engine & VS Code settings (see screenshot above).

  • In the VS Code settings for the extension, make sure ue-python.remote.timeout has a high enough value for Unreal Engine to have the chance to respond. Note that the timeout is in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second). Default value is 3000 (3 seconds) which should be enough.