Programming conceptual C++ codes using VTK libraries for lernears and enthusiasts. The focus is on reading, writing, and processing DICOM data.
Step 1: Follow the instructions in to install CMake
Step 2: Follow the instructions in to download and install VTK
Step 3: Go to the VTK_DICOM_Repertoire source code directory:
cd <Your_Directories>/VTK_DICOM_Repertoire
Step 4: Make a build directory in the parent directory:
mkdir ../VTK_DICOM_Repertoire-build
Step 5: Configure the files using CMake and make sure there are no errors:
cmake ../VTK_DICOM_Repertoire
Step 6: Compile and build the project:
Step 7: Run one of the executables, for instance:
dicomSeriesProcess <Path_To_A_DICOM_Directory>
I am expanding my VTK and DICOM knowledge everyday. I create codes to showcase the concept in a comprehensible example. Following is the list of topics that I generated the exmaple codes using VTK:
- Read the DICOM files
- Graphically show the DICOM files
- Import a DICOM directory with several image slices
- Show different slices, zoom, and pan the images
- Display multiple viewports
- Show an interative border widget superimposed on images
- Show 2D slices of 3D image from axial, coronal, and sagittal views
- Create a custom observer callback using VTK implementation of observer/command design pattern