A Node.js library to interact with nimbella.com
npm install @nimbella/sdk
const nim = require('@nimbella/sdk');
async function main(args) {
// Redis
const redis = nim.redis();
await redis.setAsync('key', 'value');
const value = await redis.getAsync('key');
// Storage
const bucket = await nim.storage();
const file = bucket.file('hello.txt'); // Filename
await file.save('Hello world!'); // Contents
// Database (MySQL)
const db = await nim.mysql(); // Returns a configured mysql2 connection.
const [rows, fields] = await db.execute('SELECT * FROM `table`');
We're always happy to help you with any issues you encounter. You may want to join our Slack community to engage with us for a more rapid response.
Apache-2.0. See LICENSE to learn more.