This is a compilation of data sources for US 2020 zip codes, including information such as FIPS, city, state, and county. This data can be used for business analytics and mapping applications. Data Sources
Zip codes
FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) codes
City names
State names
County names
The data is provided in a CSV (Comma Separated Value) format, which can be easily imported into most data analysis and visualization software. Usage
Download the CSV file from the repository
Import the data into your preferred data analysis or visualization software
Use the data to perform business analytics and mapping
The data is accurate as of US 2020
The data is provided as-is with no guarantee of accuracy or completeness
Use the data at your own risk and validate the data before using it in any production environment
This data compilation is open-source and actively maintained, Feel free to contribute by submitting a pull request or reporting an issue. Conclusion
This compilation of US 2020 zip code data is an essential resource for business analytics and mapping applications. It includes information such as zip codes, FIPS, city, state and county names, and is provided in a CSV format that can be easily imported into most data analysis software.