- Mongo DB(Database)
- Node and Express
- React JS adn Typescript
- hello-pangea/dnd(Drag and Drop library)
- Clerk Authentication(Google authentication)
- Google Icons
- Google fonts
- styled components(CSS)
- Vercel(Frontend Deployment)
- Render(Backend Deployment)
- Handle Tasks with multiple status , priority and other fields
- Access Validation for different roles for a Task
- Drag and Drop feature across different status
- Notifications for every action to Viewers, Collaborators , Creator
- Use Email address or Goggle Account to Login
name: String, - Name of the Task
description: String, - Description of the Task
dueDate: UTC, - Due Date of the Task
priority: 'Low' | 'Medium' | 'High', - Priority of the Task
status: 'Pending' | 'In Progress' | 'Completed', - Status of the Task
creatorEmail: String, - Creator Email
collaborators?: String[], - Collaborators Emails
viewers?: String[], - Viewers Emails
message: String, - Message of the Notification
taskId: String(ref - Task Table),
users:String[], - Users who need to be Notified
updates?: [{
field: String,
oldValue: String,
newValue: String
}] - The field which is updated and its old value and new value of the Update
Every user can view all the tasks
For each task , every user has three roles
- Viewer
- Collaborator
- Creator
If you are not related to the Task , you can just view it . But wont get notifications of the task.
- Viewer gets updates through notifications related to the task
Collaborator can edit the task , update the status of the task and other fields as well .
he can’t delete the task
can get notifications
can get notifications reg the task
can edit
can delete
├── client/
│ ├── node_modules/
│ ├── task-manager-frontend/
│ │ ├── src/
│ │ │ ├── assets/
│ │ │ ├── components/
│ │ │ │ ├── Board.tsx
│ │ │ │ ├── CreateTask.tsx
│ │ │ │ ├── EditTask.tsx
│ │ │ │ ├── Notifications.tsx
│ │ │ │ ├── Task.tsx
│ │ │ │ ├── TaskDetail.tsx
│ │ │ │ ├── TaskForm.tsx
│ │ │ │ └── TaskList.tsx
│ │ │ ├── config/
│ │ │ │ └── api.ts
│ │ │ ├── layouts/
│ │ │ │ ├── dashboard-layout.tsx
│ │ │ │ └── root-layout.tsx
│ │ │ ├── routes/
│ │ │ │ ├── dashboard.tsx
│ │ │ │ ├── index.tsx
│ │ │ │ └── sign-in.tsx
│ │ │ ├── main.tsx
│ │ │ ├── .gitignore
│ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ ├── index.html
│ │ │ ├── package-lock.json
│ │ │ ├── package.json
│ ├── server/
│ │ ├── config/
│ │ │ └── config.js
│ │ ├── controllers/
│ │ │ ├── notificationController.js
│ │ │ └── taskController.js
│ │ ├── models/
│ │ │ ├── Notification.js
│ │ │ └── Task.js
│ │ ├── routes/
│ │ │ ├── notificationRoutes.js
│ │ │ └── taskRoutes.js
│ │ ├── node_modules/
│ │ ├── package-lock.json
│ │ ├── package.json
│ │ ├── server.js
│ │ ├── .gitignore
│ │ └──
└── .gitignore
Clone the repo
git clone
Build the backend
cd server
npm install
Start the Backend
npm start
Open the frontend and install the dependencies
cd ../client/task-manager-frontend
npm install
Open the api.ts file and add the port your backend is running. Otherwise it automatically uses the hosted backend
Start the frontend
npm run dev