So this is my first REAL project. a web site for a factory managment this is a true FullStack project that uses technologies like:
- ASP.NET - Server
- SQL - DB
- JS - Client
- CSS3
- ChotaCSS - lightweight CSS Framework
- add logout & display username on EACH page
- fixed ui bugs
- added "component" like navbar
- added shifts page: table, add shift (to db) + add link to index page
- added add shift to employee page and action
- added in server (employeesBL) searchEmployee function
- added search to employee main page
- added ChotaCSS for easy and productive UI
- added departments page with table
- added add, edit, delete department
- added edit employee + delete employee functions on client
- start work on serverOnlyActions-feature branch
- fixed login bugs (private static)
- added in server action control
- created all controllers and BL basic to master branch
- created DB architecture
- created Client architecture