A couple of simple scripts to clear the cache for Microsoft Teams, in a nice, clean and consistent fashion.
Does your team-mate's profile picture for you and the world are different??
This is a super simple script, which honestly should be a built in button in Microsoft Teams, since they won't do it, so let's get started!
Before running script, please ensure you don't have any UNSAVED changes like a "Typed but not sent" message or are a participant in a meeting. The author will not be responsible for any data loss.
- Download the script.
- Open up a cmd prompt in the same directory as script.
- Run the script.
- Download the script.
- Provide execution permission to the script:
$ chmod +x ./Teams_Cache_Eater_MacOS.sh
- Run the script using:.
$ ./Teams_Cache_Eater_MacOS.sh
The Teams_Cache_Eater_MacOS script has been tested on MacOS Monterey 12.0 and 12.2 release.
The Teams_Cache_Eater_Windows script has been tested on Windows 10 releases 1909 to 21H2.
The scripts should work on releases before that too, it's just, I didn't test it.