Kweri is an in-class, realtime anonymous question web application that provides streamlined communication between students and professors, allowing for instruction and clarification geared specifically toward the students in the classroom.
Jonathan Zhang -
Nick Jiang -
Susan Wang -
Erica Wu -
Jonathan Yu -
Imagine this: You're in a lecture hall and the professor is going over a complicated new topic. You don't understand what's going on, but after looking around it seems everyone else is following along fine. What would you do?
A: Wait it out and see if you can ask your friends for help after class/consult the textbook and try to figure it out yourself.
B: Raise your hand and be "that guy" and ask the professor to repeat himself
We asked 767 students this question and found that 89% chose option A.
Kweri is a real time educational web app that provides a way for students to anonymously ask questions during lecture. Far too often we have found that students are not willing to ask questions during lectures, especially large lectures with upwards of 100 students because they do not want to be singled out as “that kid”.
Kweri allows students to anonymously ask questions that are then pushed to everyone in the lecture hall. Other students can then upvote any question they are also confused about. This way, the professor can see what the most pressing questions are at any time. Another feature included in Kweri is the Confusion Counter. Students can choose to set their status to “I’m confused” or “I’m not confused”. The professor will be able to see at any given point what percentage of the class is following along.