Tool to quickly get an overview of all relevant information from your school's magister account.
Magister is a service used by many dutch schools through which both parents and students can access schedules, results, study programs etc.
Needs python v3.8.
Create a file named .magisterrc
in your HOME directory with the following:
Usage: [options]
Magister info dump
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug, -d print all intermediate steps
--all, -a output all info
--cijfers, -c output cijfers
--allejaren output cijfers of all years
--rooster, -r output rooster
--absenties, -A output absenties
--studiewijzer, -s output studiewijzer
--opdrachten, -O output opdrachten/activiteiten/projecten
--get GET get data from magister
--config CONFIG specify configuration file.
--cache CACHE specify the magister access-token cache file.
--xsrftoken XSRFTOKEN
--accesstoken ACCESSTOKEN
--username USERNAME
--password PASSWORD
--authcode AUTHCODE
--schoolserver SCHOOLSERVER
--magisterserver MAGISTERSERVER
is a script to view how the magister contents change over time.
For this to work, you will need to make regular dumps of all magister state, and store these in a logs
- Optie om rooster van eerdere datums terug te kijken.
Author: Willem Hengeveld