things valuable for a number of node-dot-cpp subprojects and outside
Clone this repository with modules
git clone --recursive
Enter to the poject directory :
cd nodecpp-foundation
To build library in Linux
Debug and Release version Run in console
cmake .
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
And you will get both debug and release library in nodecpp-foundation/build/lib
If you want to build test.bin
just run in console
make test_foundation.bin
If you want to build test_foundation_d.bin
just run in console
make test_foundation_d.bin
All binaries will be located in nodecpp-foundation/test/build/bin
Run tests
Run in console
make test
It must passed 4 tests.
Run in Visual Studio command line
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ..
This will generate Visual Studio project.
Release version
To build Release version of library run in command prompt line
msbuild foundation_test.sln /p:Configuration=Release
Debug version
To build Debug version of library run in command prompt line
msbuild foundation_test.sln /p:Configuration=Debug