JSON data containing all events for the London chapter. Used to power the Node Girls website.
Full instructions on how to update the website here
An event object has the following structure:
"city": "",
"date": "YYYY-MM-DD", // hyphens required
"start_time": "HH:mm", // 24hr clock, with colon (:) and leading zero
"end_time": "HH:mm",
"title": "",
"synopsis": "",
"application_data": {
"application_link": "",
"application_text": "",
"venue": "",
"sponsors": [ // always an array, in case of multiple sponsors
"name": "",
"link": "valid url",
"logo": "image url - remote or local file"
Note: you might want line breaks for application_text
or synopsis
. Use <br/>
as part of your string and it will be parsed correctly.
The chapter in question
Date of the event. Must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format, including hyphens. This is parsed by Moment.js to generate a more friendly format. It's also used by js/template.js
to sort the data properly.
When the event is due to start and end. This must be 24 hour clock format, with a leading zero where needed. Valid: "18:00", "08:00" Invalid: "6.00" (missing leading zero), "06.00" (missing colon), "17.00" (missing colon)
This is the name of the event, e.g. "Introduction to JavaScript"
Space to go into detail about the event, who it's aimed at, what people will learn etc.
Array of objects, with each object containing application_text
and application_link
. Multiple objects can be used if there are multiple application forms for one event, (e.g. one for students and one for mentors)
URL that points to wherever people should #. Revert to "" when applications have closed.
General info about applying. This could say one of 3 things:
- Applications are not live yet
- Applications are live (see below)
- Applications have closed
will need to be updated throughout the lifecycle of the event, so that the text actually tells people what's going on :)
** When live**
is made into a hyperlink, using the value at application_link
Name of the good people who are hosting us
An array of sponsor objects. Sponsor object contains
- name
name of the sponsor (might be the same as
) - link Url pointing to the sponsor's website
- logo An image of the sponsor's logo. Can be a local image on the repo or something grabbed from online.