Transform a 3D model from STL/PLY/OFF/OBJ to a porous model with implicit function (e.g., Schwarz P/ Gyroid).
- Download from Github Releases page or
- Install from Anaconda
conda install -c nodtem66 scaffolder
pip install PyScaffolder
- Install the
downloaded from Release - The plugin will appear at
View > Sidebar
orPress N
- Blender plugin with PyScaffolder
- The figure of patterns implemented in this program
- The examples of generated porous scaffold
- libigl - The computational geometry library
- vcglib - The mesh utility library
- sol2 - Lua script integration
- tbb - Threading library
- Read STL file and finding the boundary box
- Generate the grid and calculate the winding number with STL mesh
- Use winding number to determine the condition for implicit isosurface function
- Generate the isosurface field in the same-size grid
- Perform Dual marching cube to construct the manifold
- Clean up the duplicated vertices or faces, and abandon the group of connected faces having the diameter below the setting
- Export to the target 3D format
The raw dataset is available at Mendeley Data. The program that used to generate that data was released at Github repository. You can also find the interactive visualization at Google Colab
- Rhino (Grasshopper)
- nTopology
- Hyperganic
- Minimal surface Blog
- Dual marching cube - dualmc
- Command line parser - cxxopts
- Progress bar - ProgressBar
Computational method and program for generating a porous scaffold based on implicit surfaces
title = {Computational method and program for generating a porous scaffold based on implicit surfaces},
journal = {Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine},
volume = {205},
pages = {106088},
year = {2021},
issn = {0169-2607},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Jirawat Iamsamang and Phornphop Naiyanetr},
keywords = {Triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS), Implicit surface, Porous scaffold, Pore size, Porosity}