Convert your Android device into USB keyboard/mouse, control your PC from your Android device remotely, including BIOS/bootloader.
- Plug your device into PC using USB cable.
- Power off the device.
- Hold Volume Down button and Power button for 5 seconds, to enter fastboot mode.
- Copy appropriate fastboot executable from the directory
. - Launch command
fastboot oem unlock
- Confirm unlock action by pressing Power button. This will factory reset your device.
- Copy boot.img from directory nexus7-2012-wifi-grouper.
- Launch command
fastboot flash boot boot.img
. - Reboot your device using Power button.
- Install and run USB Keyboard app.
- Boot image for Android 5.0
- - it's ROM, not just a kernel
- - you have to enable it in the included STweaks app
- You will have to compile the kernel yourself.
There is a possibility to send keypresses in an automated way, using terminal emulator for Android or similar app. This is done using hid-gadget-test utility.
First, copy this utility to your device.
adb push hid-gadget-test/hid-gadget-test /data/local/tmp
You will need to set world-writable permissions on /dev/hidg0, or run hid-gadget-test from root shell.
adb shell
chmod 666 /dev/hidg0 /dev/hidg1
To always have root shell, so you don't need to enter 'su' each time, run command
adb root
Then, use hid-gadget-test to send keypresses.
adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp
# Send letter 'a'
echo a | ./hid-gadget-test /dev/hidg0 keyboard
You can also run this command without launching ADB shell, from shell script or .bat file.
adb shell 'echo a | /data/local/tmp/hid-gadget-test /dev/hidg0 keyboard'
Advanced examples.
# Send letter 'B'
echo left-shift b | ./hid-gadget-test /dev/hidg0 keyboard
# Send string 'abcdeZ'
for C in a b c d e 'left-shift z' ; do echo "$C" ; sleep 0.1 ; done | ./hid-gadget-test /dev/hidg0 keyboard
# You may combine several modifier keys
echo left-ctrl left-shift enter | ./hid-gadget-test /dev/hidg0 keyboard
# Try to guess what this command sends
echo left-ctrl left-alt del | ./hid-gadget-test /dev/hidg0 keyboard
# Bruteforce 4-digit PIN-code, that's a particularly popular script
# that people keep asking me for. It executes for 42 hours.
for a in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do
for b in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do
for c in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do
for d in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do
echo $a $b $c $d
for C in $a $b $c $d enter ; do echo "$C" ; sleep 0.2 ; done | ./hid-gadget-test /dev/hidg0 keyboard
sleep 15
# Press right mouse button
echo --b2 | ./hid-gadget-test /dev/hidg1 mouse
# Hold left mouse button, drag 100 pixels to the right and 50 pixels up, then release
echo --hold --b1 | ./hid-gadget-test /dev/hidg1 mouse
echo --hold --b1 100 0 | ./hid-gadget-test /dev/hidg1 mouse
echo --hold --b1 0 -50 | ./hid-gadget-test /dev/hidg1 mouse
echo --b1 | ./hid-gadget-test /dev/hidg1 mouse
Here is the list of keys that this utility supports
If you need to crack a PIN code, but the target system loses keypresses (happens in MacOS BIOS), there is a handy app for that, which uses camera to check if each keypress is recognized.
You have to run all following commands on Linux. Windows is not supported.
To compile USB Keyboard app, install Android SDK and NDK from site , and launch commands
git clone
cd commandergenius
git submodule update --init --recursive
rm -f project/jni/application/src
ln -s hid-pc-keyboard project/jni/application/src
./ -a
android update project -p project
Add string <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_SUPERUSER"/>
to file project/AndroidManifest.xml
, and launch ./
To compile kernel, launch commands
git clone
git clone
export PATH=`pwd`/arm-eabi-4.6/bin:$PATH
export ARCH=arm
export SUBARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi-
cd tegra
git checkout android-tegra3-grouper-3.1-kitkat-mr1
patch -p1 < ../kernel-3.1.patch
make tegra3_android_defconfig
make -j4
Use either kernel-3.1.patch, kernel-3.4.patch, or kernel-3.10.patch depending on your kernel version,
To compile boot.img, launch commands
mkdir ~/bin
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
mkdir aosp
cd aosp
repo init -u -b android-4.4.2_r1
repo sync
cp -f ../tegra/arch/arm/boot/zImage device/asus/grouper/kernel
patch -p1 < ../ueventd.patch
make -j4 TARGET_PRODUCT=aosp_grouper TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=userdebug
You then can find boot.img in directory aosp/out/target/product/grouper
The custom kernel you have compiled with patch kernel-3.1.patch or kernel-3.4.patch, adds two new devices, /dev/hidg0 for keyboard, and /dev/hidg1 for mouse.
The patch ueventd.patch is only needed to set write permissions on these files - if your device is rooted, USB Keyboard app will attempt to modify permissions on these files on start, so you generally may skip this patch.
You can open these two files, using open() system call, and write raw keyboard/mouse events there, using write() system call, which will be sent through USB cable to your PC.
Keyboard event is an array of 8 byte length, first byte is a bitmask of currently pressed modifier keys:
typedef enum {
LCTRL = 0x1,
LSHIFT = 0x2,
LALT = 0x4,
LSUPER = 0x8, // Windows key
RCTRL = 0x10,
RSHIFT = 0x20,
RALT = 0x40,
RSUPER = 0x80, // Windows key
} ModifierKeys_t;
Remaining 7 bytes is a list of all other keys currently pressed, one byte for one key, or 0 if no key is pressed. Consequently, the maximum amount of keys that may be pressed at the same time is 7, excluding modifier keys.
Professional or 'gamer' USB keyboards report several keyboard HID descriptors, which creates several keyboard devices in host PC, to overcome that 7-key limit.
The scancode table for each key is available in hid-gadget-test utility. Extended keys, such as Play/Pause, are not supported, because they require modifying USB descriptor in kernel patch.
Mouse event is an array of 4 bytes, first byte is a bitmask of currently pressed mouse buttons:
typedef enum {
} MouseButtons_t;
Remaining 3 bytes are X movement offset, Y movement offset, and mouse wheel offset, represented as signed integers. Horizontal wheel is not supported yet.
See functions outputSendKeys() and outputSendMouse() inside file input.cpp for reference implementation.