Alpha drafts of ebooks from markdown
This is a rough draft! Issues are expected.
what's here
- epub - made by pandoc from markdown
- pdf - made by calibre from the epub version
- we can proofread and annotate on offline devices! 🎉
- includes the WIP effort to turn images to markdown tables
- includes the redrawn diagrams, as vector graphics
known issues
- chapter links in the Preface chapter don't work
- there are many more chapter links that have never been fixed up to work at all
- some tables have irregular column widths
- the TOC numbering is slightly out of sync, counting the frontmatter as chapter 1, About as chapter 2, Preface as chapter 3, Chapter 1 as chapter 4, etc.
- the epub has the svg diagrams and formulae, not the png fallbacks
- Apple Books isn't showing code blocks, on desktop?
- an extra page break before section 12.1
- Bluefire appears to have some intermittent font glitches with italics
- some lines are split between pages, and some lines are truncated at the right
what's next
- pandoc worked for making a legible first draft, but using something else probably would help or sidestep the issues here. so, exploring alternatives is a good idea.
- these were made with default layouts for the software; customizing font sizes, margins, and the like should maybe wait