A simple library to help you format input text content
Unlike its predecessor cleave.js,
no longer binds to DOM input elements. It now functions as a
versatile formatting library, suitable for use in Node.js, browsers, and easier
integration with frameworks like React, Angular, and any other libraries.
- Credit card formatting
- Numeral formatting
- Date / Time formatting
- Custom delimiter, prefix and blocks pattern
- Non-intrusive: only providing the formatting methods
TL;DR Demo | Usage Examples
npm install --save cleave-zen
You can use it on unpkg.com as a CDN version
You have two text fields to display credit card number and type
<input class="creditcard-input" type="text" />
<input class="creditcard-type" type="text" />
Now in your JavaScript
import { formatCreditCard, getCreditCardType } from 'cleave-zen'
const creditcardInput = document.querySelector('.creditcard-input')
const creditCardType = document.querySelector('.creditcard-type')
creditcardInput.addEventListener('input', e => {
const value = e.target.value
creditcardInput.value = formatCreditCard(value)
creditCardType.innerHTML = getCreditCardType(value)
import React, { useRef, useState } from 'react'
import { formatCreditCard, getCreditCardType } from 'cleave-zen'
const App = () => {
const inputRef = useRef(null)
const [value, setValue] = useState('')
const [type, setType] = useState('')
return (
onChange={e => {
const value = e.target.value
<div>value: {value}</div>
<div>type: {type}</div>
This lib is written by TypeScript, so if you prefer to use it that way:
import { formatCreditCard, type FormatCreditCardOptions } from 'cleave-zen'
const options: FormatCreditCardOptions = { delimiter: '-' }
const value: string = formatCreditCard('5163000011112222', options)
When you manually updating the input field with formatted value, the cursor moves to the end of the field, which can be super annoying when you typing or deleting letters inside the string content.
This library can fix this issue for you! Simply add registerCursorTracker
the input field:
import { registerCursorTracker, DefaultCreditCardDelimiter } from 'cleave-zen'
registerCursorTracker({ input: creditCardInput, delimiter: DefaultCreditCardDelimiter }})
And for ReactJS usage above:
import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react'
const inputRef = useRef(null)
useEffect(() => {
// registerCursorTracker itself returns an unregister destructor
// function so you can place it here for hook component unmount
return registerCursorTracker({ input: inputRef.current, delimiter: DefaultCreditCardDelimiter })
}, [])
See all examples in this repo
- Create an example repo for individual lib usage case
- Create demo page for different type of formatting
- Review still related PRs and issues in the old cleave.js repo and implement it here
- Add unit tests
- Add docs comments for functions and usages
- Add more library integration usages in example repo
- Create legacy cleave.js phone formatter in a separate repo